Violating The Love Of A Savage Read online

Page 9

  “I’m surprise nobody didn’t call twelve on your ass.”

  “The smell that strong?”

  “Hell yeah. you got some bleach?”


  “Go get it, it will help keep the smell down. Plus, it will get rid of any evidence. I’m going to pull my van around to your back door.”


  I grabbed the bleach out my bathroom then met Money at the back door.

  “Here you going to need this to.”

  Money handed me a bag. I glanced in the bag it had chlorine, peroxide, disinfectant, and baking soda.

  “What this for?”

  “Them product will get rid of the evidence like blood or DNA. It also kills some of the organisms and bacteria that be left behind.”

  “Who is you Horatio Caine from CSI?”

  We both burst out laughing.

  “Come on let’s get this body in the van for we can get this blood up. Money rolled out a long carpet then we rolled Maurice inside it. I can’t lie I was gagging like a motherfucker the whole time. The smell of old flesh didn’t sit right with my stomach. After we were done rolling him up like a burrito, we toss his lifeless body in back of the van.

  “Fuck he stank.” I stated.

  “Stop acting like you never smelled a dead body before. Don’t act brand new since you a preacher now.”

  I gave Money the middle finger.

  Money chuckled “Come on let’s get this blood up.”

  I grabbed the bleach and the rest of the products Money had brought over. I poured the bleach over the blood and wiped it up with some towels. When I was done, we use the other products Money brought. While I scrub the floor, Money open the windows and lit some incense to help with the strong smell from the chemicals. It was so strong it had us choking.

  Soon as we got done, we heard a loud knock at the door.

  “Fuck! who is that?” I said under my breath. I told money I will be right back. I walked upstairs to my front door. I peeked out the peek hole only to see Alana standing there.

  “Fuck! what she is doing here?” I said to myself. My first instinct was to not open the door, but I know she saw my car parked in the driveway. Plus, I didn’t want to make it seem like I was acting suspicious.

  “Pastor I need to talk to you.” Alana said as she barges into my house uninvitedly. “What are you doing summer cleaning?” Alana began choking from all the chemicals that was in the air.

  “Yeah actually was cleaning and I was about to get ready to leave. Can I call you later because now isn’t a good time?”

  “Bishop please don’t put me out I really need to talk to you.”

  “Okay take a seat on the couch I will be right back.”

  I ran downstairs to the basement. I told Money to go ahead and get rid of the body. Money Dab me up then he left.

  “What’s wrong Alana?” I ask as I took a seat on the couch next to her.

  “It’s my husband.”

  I got uneasy when she said that. I was praying that she didn’t know anything because I would have to off her next.

  “What about him?”

  “He thinks I’m having an affair with you.”

  “Why would he think something like that?”

  “One night we were having sex and I called my husband your name. My husband choked me and beat me senseless. That’s why I couldn’t come to work for a month. This isn’t the first time he put his hands on me either.” Tears began to flow down Alana face. “He told me if he ever found out me and you were having an affair, he will kill you.”

  “I’m not worried about him. I have the almighty on my side.” I knew damn well the only thing was on my side was my gun. Jesus definitely didn’t have my side or back after what I just done.

  “Well you need to be worried because Maurice is crazy. I’m surprise he hasn’t popped up at your house. Maurice has threating to come kill you so many times. In reality I was hoping that you kill his ass. I hate my husband and I want nothing to do with him. He hasn’t been home in the last couple of nights and I’m okay with that.”

  “Alana you don’t deserve that. When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing. You are beautiful, smart, and to mention you have a good spirit. Any man would love to be with you Alana.”

  “Any man but you Pastor Pain.” Alana rubs her hand over my solid chest. I push her hand off me.

  “What’s wrong Pastor? You scared the congregation going to find out?” Alana climb on top of me and sat on my lap. She began placing kisses on my neck. The way she was tongue kissing my neck had me ready to baptize that ass in the name of Jesus. My man hood instantly grew large and hard. I was ready to tear Alana apart, but I was fighting my flesh. I tried pushing Alana off me, but she insisted.

  “Stop fighting it you know you want this pussy.” Alana took my hands and placed it on her juicy round bottom. Next thing I know me, and Alana were fucking crazy in the living room. All that pastor shit went out the window. I no longer believe in getting married before sex anymore. Alana was all types of bitches while I was hitting that ass from the back. All the hurt, pain, and anger I had built up inside me, I was taking it out on Alana.

  “Ooh fuck that pussy hard.” She yelled. I couldn’t believe that Alana was even talking like this. I can’t lie I was loving that shit. The more she talked the harder I beat it.

  I push both of Alana legs behind her head then dive balls deep inside of her. I made sure I was deep in her stomach and she could feel me. Alana was screaming she couldn’t take it but that didn’t stop me from beating that shit like she stole something, she begged for this dick now she got to take this dick. I had a lot of frustration build up and I needed to get it out. When I was done digging her guts out. Alana began to give me falacio. Falacio is another word for oral sex just in case you didn’t know. I must say her head was just as good as her pussy. I see why her husband is going crazy over her sexy ass. When she was done giving me head, I fuck Alana for a little while longer then bust.

  “Umm that was good.” Alana laid her head on my chest. “Can I stay with you tonight?”

  ‘Alana, I don’t think that’s a good idea. You already said your husband think we got something going on. What if he come over my house looking for you because you didn’t come home?” I knew dam well her husband wasn’t coming nowhere but she didn’t know that.

  “He won’t.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I don’t want to go home. Please don’t make me. All Maurice going to do is beat me. I’m tired of getting beat on like a damn drum. You are the only person that can save me. I feel safe when I’m with you Bishop.”

  “Alright only for tonight. I’m not trying to have any type of problems with your husband.” I said playing it off.

  “Okay, I respect that. Is it okay if I take a shower? Do you have a t-shirt I can sleep in?”

  “Yes, I got you.”

  I got everything Alana needed then handed it to her.

  “You’re not getting in with me?”

  “I guess I can.”

  The whole time we were in the shower Alana vented to me about her no-good husband. She told me that she was scared to go back home because her husband constantly beats and cheats on her. To be honest I felt bad for Alana she didn’t deserve that. I don’t care what nobody say shouldn’t no man put his hands on a woman. That’s one thing I don’t play about. Don’t get me wrong, I know in a marriage or any relationship you going to fight but it’s level to this shit. you don’t close fist a woman that’s some bitch shit. I understand that women know how to push a man button but that don’t give you right to put your hands on her. I definitely don’t feel bad for killing Alana husband now, as a matter of fact that motherfucker got exactly what he deserved.



  “You look nice.” I told Sky. We were on our way to Sunday at my mom house. I didn’t know how this day was going to go. I was hoping that bishop fake sanctified ass wasn’t go
ing to be there, but I know nine time out of ten he would. Me and Bishop in the same room wasn’t a good idea. I didn’t even like the fact that Sky and mama is about to be in the same room. it’s not going to cause nothing but a lot of chaos. I don’t know what my mother is up to but I’m praying she isn’t about to do no bull. My mother claims she is having this dinner because she misses her family. For some reason I smell a motive all over this. I could be wrong but something not sitting right me. I just pray that this go smooth with no problems.

  “Thank you, babe.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Not really but I don’t trust your mother. What if she poisons my food?”

  I burst out laughing “She’s not that evil.”


  Sky was right my mother could be evil if you take her there. I remember one time my father called himself stepping out on my mother when we were younger. My mother put bleach in his liquor. My Uncle had to rush my father to the hospital. They pumped his stomach and put him on an IV. My mother can be evil sometimes, but you really have to push her. For the most part my mother is a sweet lady, but she can turn that off real quick.

  “You got to get to her know her Sky.”

  “Isn’t no getting to know her. That lady doesn’t like me for nothing in the world. The messed-up part is I haven’t even done anything to her.”

  “Maybe you done something and don’t know you did it.”

  Sky raised her eyebrows “I didn’t do anything. From day one your mother didn’t like me just admit it.”

  “You’re right she didn’t.”

  “I know she didn’t. I hope she don’t get smart with me today because I will snap.”

  “Sky that’s still my mother at the end of the day. You have to respect her, and she have to respect you as well.”

  “Whatever.” Sky said as she stared out the car window.

  “Ahy don’t what ever me, you know I don’t like that shit Sky.”

  “Sorry babe.”

  I wasn’t trying to go off on Sky or take up for my mother I’m just tired of the bull shit. The bickering back and forth between them two is starting to get old. I just want to enjoy my food, my family and have a peaceful Sunday, if that’s not too much to ask. Lately, I been having to much on my mind especially when it came to Sky. I still had some unanswered questions in the back of my head that I wanted to ask her. Deep in my soul I feel like Sky is holding something from me, I just don’t know what is. I love Sky but if I find out she is keeping any secrets from me or is being disloyal to me it’s going to be hell to pay. Minutes later we pulled up to my mother house. I saw Knowledge and my Uncle Jerry car in the driveway.

  “Good that nigga Bishop isn’t here” I said to myself. “You ready to go in?”

  “I guess.”

  “Look baby if you don’t want to go in, I’m not forcing you. We can go back home and enjoy the rest of our Sunday together. I’m horny anyways.”

  Sky giggled. “I’m cool when I’m ready to go I will be sure to let you know.”


  I kiss Sky on her lips then got out to open her door. Me and Sky made our way inside the house.

  “Hey everybody.” Sky spoke soon as we walked through the door.

  Everybody spoke back including my mother. My mother walked over to me and Sky and gave us both a hug. Sky looked at me and I looked at her because we were both shocked at my mother attitude today.

  “Dinner will be done in just a minute.” My mother told everyone then went into the kitchen.

  I joined my brother, pops, and my Uncle Jerry on the couch. They were watching the preseason football games. I was enjoying myself util Bishop walked his fraudulent ass in the house.

  “Baby, behave yourself. If I have to behave myself towards your mother, you have to do the same towards your brother.” Sky whisper in my ear.

  Sky was right I had to behave myself. I can’t tell her to control her temper but don’t control mine that will be contradicting everything I said to Sky.

  “What’s up family?” Bishop spoke.

  “What’s up Bishop.” Everybody spoke back including me. On the inside I wanted to be like nigga fuck you and your what’s up, but I didn’t. I made sure the whole time Bishop was in the living room with us, I stayed engage in a conversation with Sky or Knowledge. That way I didn’t have to say shit to him. Bishop would start a conversation with me just because I spoke. Then he will think things cool between us when it’s not.

  “Okay family dinner is served.” My mother announced. We walked in the kitchen and took a seat at the dinner table. The food was already on the table all we had to do was dig in. My mother made chicken, fish, green beans, homemade macaroni and cheese, potato salad, cornbread and strawberry cake for dessert. I was hungry as hell and I couldn’t wait to fuck this food up.

  “Let’s say grace. Bishop will you like to lead the prayer?” My mother asked.

  I didn’t want that fake ass pastor praying for me.

  “Yes mother.”

  “Let us bow our heads, Heavenly father we hav-”

  Knock! Knock! A knock on the door interrupt Bishop prayer.

  “It probably was the Jesus coming to tell Bishop fraud ass to shut the fuck up or the devil coming to join to his fake ass.” I laughed at my thoughts. My father got up from the table and went to open the door. When I saw him walk back in with Kareema my heart drop. You would’ve thought she was my side chick or something.

  “Hey everyone, this is Kareema.” My mother began introducing Kareema to everybody she hasn’t met. When my mother got to me, she said of course you know Saint with a sneaky smile on her face.

  I can tell from the way Sky was fidgeting in her chair she was bothered by what mother said and by Kareema presents. I’m not going to sugar coat it Kareema was looking good as fuck. She had on a knee-high white dress that hugged every inch of her curves. Kareema natural hair was pulled back into a ponytail that hung to the middle of her back. Kareema was bad and she knew it. Everybody spoked to Kareema except for Sky.

  “You can have a seat right here Kareema.” My mother place her directly across from me. For some odd reason I feel like my mother was doing this on purpose to make Sky jealous. “Now let us say grace. Bishop, continue please with your prayer.”

  “Heavenly Father, we have gathered to share a meal in your honor. Thank You for putting us together as a family and thank you for this food. Bless it to our bodies, Lord. We thank you for all the gifts you’ve given to those around this table. Help each member of our family use these gifts to your glory. Guide our mealtime conversations and steer our hearts to your purpose for our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

  “Amen.” Everybody said.

  “Now let’s eat because I’m hungry.” My mother stated.

  Everybody began making their plates. Since Kareema been here you can tell that Sky whole mood have change. Sky was rolling her eyes, huffing and puffing. I understand Sky feeling some type of way, but this isn’t the time for that shit. What my mother did was wrong because I know I she did that shit on purpose. I’m going to talk to mother about that to. I don’t know how many times I have to tell Sky this, but she should never let another woman see her sweat. I’m not saying Sky wrong for feeling how she feel because she has every right to. All I’m saying is she have to be more polish than that.

  Never let another man or woman see you sweating nothing, especially not my mother, if my mother see she is getting under Sky skin she will continue to do it. I don’t know why my mother does the things she does to Sky sometimes. After today I’m going to get down to the bottom of this because I’m tired of it. My mother going to have to give me a legitimate reason why she keeps treating Sky like this or I’m going to stop coming around. After everyone was done eating my mother wanted to have a family meeting. I didn’t know what this meeting was about, but I had a bad feeling about this.

  “As you know I call you all are here today for dinner and now a family meeting. Lately,
our family been dealing with a lot bull that we shouldn’t deal with. Our family is falling apart, and I don’t approve of it. First, I want to start with Saint and Bishop. Y’all two been bitching like females for almost a year now and I’m sick of it. You are brothers and need to learn to love one another. Saint you know if someone was to kill Bishop tomorrow you will be ready to go to war and Bishop you will be ready to do the same.”

  “Ma, I didn’t come over here for all this. I came to eat dinner and chill with my family. If I knew you was going to this I would’ve never came.” I stated.

  “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you because I knew your stubborn ass wouldn’t came. You and your brother need to stop this dumb shit, its petty if you asked me.”

  “Isn’t nothing petty about the next man downing you.”

  “Nigga I didn’t down you.” Bishop stated.

  “First of all, you’re talking out of place. I wasn’t talking to you; I was talking to my mother.”

  ‘Well, I’m talking to you.”

  “Step outside for I can beat your ass Bishop. I’m sick of your punk ass.”

  Bishop laughed like the shit was funny “It will be a cold day in hell before I let you beat my ass.”

  “I guess hell about to freeze over then.”

  ‘Both of you stop right now!” My mother shouted to the top of her lungs. “I’m sick of this. I brought y’all together to fix what ever issue y’all got going on here but instead y’all want to act like big ass kids. I wasn’t going to tell you but since everybody here I got cancer. Maybe that will bring y’all closer together since talking can’t.”

  When my mother said that the whole room mouth was wide open. It felt like my breath left my body. Everybody was speechless including me.

  “Pops is this true?” I asked.

  “Yes, unfortunately it is.” He responded.

  Everybody at the table had tears coming down their face. These last couple of months have been fucked up for me. I had to off Big Nate because he played me, I found my mother passed out, Me and Bishop not getting along, someone on my team was acting disloyal, Sky been acting sneaky, and now my mother got cancer. I couldn’t take this shit no more. It was only a matter of time before I lose it. I got up from the table than made my way outside. I sat in my car for I could try to clear my head.