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Violating The Love Of A Savage
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Violating The Love Of A Savage: The Pain Brothers
Sherri Marie
Copyright © 2020 by Sherri Marie
Published By: K. Renee Publications
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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1. Knowledge
2. Saint
3. Knowledge
4. Saint
5. Sky
6. Knowledge
7. Sky
8. Knowledge
9. Saint
10. Sky
11. Bishop
12. Saint
13. Sky
14. Knowledge
15. Sky
16. Saint
17. Sky
18. Knowledge
19. Saint
20. Bishop
21. Jc
22. Knowledge
23. Mrs. Elise Pain
24. Saint
25. Bishop
26. Saint
27. Sky
28. Knowledge
29. Sky
30. Saint
31. Bishop
32. Saint
33. Sky
“Did you make it there yet?” My brother asked on the other end of the phone.
“Yeah I’m here right now.”
“Alright make sure you make that nigga feel my pain.”
“I got you big bruh.”
I made sure both of my guns were fully loaded than made my way to the door. I rang the doorbell and Big Nate wife Angie open the door. I been knowing Angie since playground days. She been wanting to fuck me for the longest. I wouldn’t never give her the time or the day. I ran into Angie a couple of weeks ago at the gas station. Angie was on my dick begging for my number as soon as she saw me. I told Angie to give me her number instead and she didn’t hesitate to give it to me.
This exactly why I’m not in a relationship now, this woman married giving me her number as if she single. After I locked Angie number in my iPhone, I told her I will hit her up when I was available. The only reason I got her number in the first place is because her husband Nate owe my brother Saint some money. Nate been ducking and dodging my brother for the longest. One thing Saint hates is to be ignored. Nate got both of his numbers changed and move to a different location. Angie was the only source that could lead me to Nate where abouts. I could’ve found out on my own, but I had more important shit to do than playing detective. All the information I needed about Nate I got from Angie. I got his address, his phone numbers, his schedule, and of course his wife.
“I been waiting for you.” Angie stood there in nothing but her birthday suit.
I can’t lie she look good as fuck, my man hood instantly got arouse. Angie face wasn’t to pleasant to look at but, she had a banging ass body. Although her ass had Dr. Miami written all over it, it still was attractive.
“Where your Husband at?” I ask as my eyes scanned around the room making sure we were alone.
“I don’t know, and I don’t care. Fuck that nigga. All I’m worried about is you right now.”
“Shit, if you don’t care I don’t either.”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
Angie licks her lips then drop down to her knees pulling my pants down. Next, she pulls my dick through the slit of my boxers and began giving me sloppy head. She was sucking that dick like she owns that motherfucker. I rested the back of my head on the wall as I palmed the back of Angie head. Although, I was enjoying the head she was giving me I was alert at the same time.
When Angie was done sucking me up, I told her to bend over the couch for I can feel that pussy. I rubbed my index finger and middle finger on her pussy at the same time for I could see how wet it is, it was wet, but I felt wetter. I slid my magnum on my dick than began pushing inside Angie slowly. Angie pussy was so tight you could tell she haven’t had no dick in a while. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought she was a virgin, but I knew that wasn’t the case. Angie was moaning and screaming to the top of her lungs as if I was killing her. I wasn’t even all the way in that pussy yet and she couldn’t take it. I know for a fact that fat motherfucker Nate couldn’t been fucking his wife on the regular. Oh, I forgot his fat ass can’t see his dick! I laughed at the thought. Once I was finally inside that pussy, I began to murder that shit. Angie tried to run from it, but I made her take that dick.
“You been wanting this dick so bad now you running from it. take that dick!” I slam Angie thick ass on my log roughly.
“Ooh fuck, Knowledge.” She moans as her hands clinched the cushion of the couch. “I’m about to cum baby.” Angie pussy began squeezing my dick and could feel her getting wetter.
“Give me that shit.” When I was done giving Angie death strokes from the back, I told her to let me feel that tongue again. Angie wasted no time she snatched the condom off my dick and drop down to her knees. She licked my pole up and down like it was a popsicle on a hot summer day. Angie starts deep throating my dick drenching it with her saliva. Once it was super wet to where she wanted it, she began jacking it with both hands.
“Ahh fuck that shit feel good.”
Angie was sucking the skin off that dick and I could feel my nut building up. I was only seconds away from releasing my seeds into her mouth. Soon as I began to nut, I heard the lock click. I grabbed my gun off the table next to me and held it in my hand tightly.
“This is the moment I been waiting for.” I said to myself.
Angie was so busy gobbling my dick she didn’t even hear her husband coming through the door. One thing about me I’m never slipping I hear everything. Soon as the door open, I aim my gun at Nate head making sure my infrared beam was in the middle of his forehead.
“What the fuck!” Nate shouted when he saw my dick down his wife throat, I know he had to feel like shit.
Angie jump up with a mouth full of sperm. She took a big gulp before she said, “Baby let me explain.”
“Only person need to do some explaining is this fat ass nigga. Where the fuck is my brother money at Big Nate?” I pulled my boxers and pants up with my other hand still making sure my gun was on my target.
“I don’t have it but I promi- “
Pow! Before he could even finish his sentence, I shot Angie in her right thigh. Angie fell to the floor holding her womb.
“I’m going to ask you again where the fuck is my brother money at?”
“Nate tell him where it’s at before he kills us both.” Angie shouted as tears flows down her face from the pain.
“I think you need to listen to your wife.”
“Man, I’m trying to tell you, I don’t have your brother money right now. I can get it to you by tomorrow please don’t kill me man.” Nate began to cry like the bitch he is.
Pow! Pow! I shot Nate twice in his abdominal and he fell to the floor.
I bent down to where Angie was laying and pressed my gun against Angie temple “Where the money at? If you say you don’t know I’m going to splatter your fucking brain all over the place. Do I make myself clear?” Angie nodded her head yes holding her womb.
“Don’t tell him shit Angie he going to kill us anyways.” Big Nate said barely can talk.
“The painting right there on the wall have a hidden safe behind it.” Angie replied pointing to the painting.
I followed the direction of her finger then walked over to the painting. I remove the paintin
g off the wall, sure enough it was a safe behind it. “What’s the code?”
“Don’t give it to him!”
“02347.” Angie replied with no hesitation.
“You stupid bitch! Now he going to kill us both.” Nate stated.
I put the code in and the safe popped open. I grabbed the book bag that was lying on the floor and filled it up with the cash from the safe. When I was done, I shut the safe back than threw the book bag on my shoulder.
“Thank you, Angie, for cooperating with me.” Pow! Pow! I killed her ass before she could even say you’re welcome.
“Please don’t kill me man, please. I got kids man.” Nate pleaded.
I walked over to Nate and release the rest of my clip on his ass. Before I left, I check both of their pulse making sure they were dead. I had no sympathy for that bitch ass nigga. Big Nate deserves everything that happened to him. Not only did he steal my brother money, he lied, and dodged my brother for months. Nate had no intentions on paying my brother off, he had more than enough time to pay him.
When you steal from Saint you steal from me because we both eat at the same table. I be damn if I starve because another man doesn’t want to pay his debts. You either pay up or get shot up it’s that simple. When it came to my brother Saint, I played no games about him or anybody in my family for that matter. If my big brother calls me for anything, I’m coming no question asked. Usually my brother would get somebody on the team to handle his dirty work, instead he wanted me to go this time. My brother knew that I was going to fuck Nate up with no hesitancy. After I left Big Nate house, I called the clean-up crew to clean up the mess I made.
“Here go your money bruh.” I threw the book bag full of cash on his desk in front of him. My brother unzipped the book bag and poured the money onto his desk.
“Have you talk to mama today?” Saint asked as he placed the money inside his money counter.
“Nope not at all.”
“I been calling her all day, but I haven’t got an answer.
“That isn’t like her, did you hit up pop’s?”
“Yeah, he said she was at home cleaning up when he left to go fishing with Uncle Jerry. He said he talk to her twice less than an hour ago.”
“I will pull over there to check on her when I leave here.”
“We can roll together I need to get some fresh air anyways.”
Saint waited for the counter to stop. When it was done, he placed the money inside his safe neatly. He grabbed the keys to his 2019 BMW X5 truck than we made our way to our mother house.
“Ma where you at?” I called out soon as we walk through the door. We search the kitchen, the living room, and there still was no sign of our mother.
“I’m going to check the upstairs she might be in her bedroom.” Knowledge said as he made his way upstairs.
“Ma? You in here?” I called out again, but I didn’t get a respond.
I walked downstairs to the basement and my mother was lying on the couch passed out.
“Ma get up I been calling your phone all day.” I tapped my mother on the arm, but she didn’t budge. “Ma?” I called out again. When I realize she wasn’t responding I immediately called 911?
“Knowledge get down here now!” I shouted to the top of my lungs.” My brother came running down the stairs full speed. I told him that mama wasn’t responding, and he lost it. Watching Knowledge panic had me about to lose it. I wanted to tell him to calm down, but I didn’t have time for that right now. I had to focus on saving my mama life that’s if she wasn’t already dead. I placed the heel of my hand on the center of my mother chest then placed the other hand on top and pressed down
“Come on mama.” I shouted as I perform CPR. After about 30 chest compressions I gave her two rescue breath, but she still wasn’t responding. I repeated these steps until the ambulance arrive. The paramedics rushed over to where I was at than took over.
“She has a faint pulse.” One of the paramedics stated.
“Knowledge call pops and the rest of the family tell them to meet us at the hospital now!”
The paramedics put my mother body on the stretcher than rush her out the door. I did 120 miles per hour all the way to the hospital. The entire ride to the hospital my mind was uneasy. We waited patiently in the waiting room for the doctor to come out. All types of thoughts began to flood my mind. Seeing my mother lying their lifeless damn near killed me. If something happens to my mother, I will lose it. I was trying my best not to think the worse, but it was hard not to. Knowledge didn’t make it no better; He was pacing the floor back and forth. Tears were pouring down my brother face. At one point he had to be escorted out the hospital because he punched the wall.
“Baby, are you okay?” My girl Sky ask.
“Hell, nah I’m not okay. We found mama unresponsive in the basement. I don’t know if she dead or alive.
“Oh my God!” Sky said holding her heart. My mother and Sky had a rocky relationship. My mother didn’t care for Sky at all, but she respected her to a certain extent on the strength of me. My mother would always tell me Sky isn’t the one for me and I could do better. I asked my mother several times what is it about Sky that she didn’t like, and she could never give me a straightforward answer. All she could say is “it’s a mother intuition and I don’t like her end of story.” I didn’t understand how you can dislike somebody you barely knew, that didn’t make sense to me. I didn’t let it bother me though because my mother had the right to her own opinion. All I ask from my mother and Sky is to respect each other.
“Don’t panic baby your mother is going to be just fine.”
“I pray she do.”
“She will you can’t think the worse.”
Although Sky knew my mother didn’t care for her, she still loves her as if she was her own mother. Sky didn’t disrespect my mother although she wanted to plenty of times.
“What happened son?” My pops ask soon as he walked in the waiting room.
“We found mama unresponsive at the house?”
“Is she okay?”
“I don’t know we still waiting on the doctor to come out.”
“If something happens to your mother, my heart won’t be able to take it son.” My father dropped his head.
“I know pop’s, but we got to have faith in God that everything will work out.”
“Speaking of God, I didn’t know that you even believed in him.” My brother Bishop voice said from behind me. I couldn’t stand that motherfucker because he thinks he’s better than me and Knowledge. Bishop was a street nigga just like us then all the sudden he became a pastor. Now he walks around with his nose up his ass like he a king. I don’t knock him for being a pastor to each his own.
I don’t like the fact that he tries to tell me how to live my life like his shit don’t stank. This the same Bishop that was just slanging bricks and kilos. Now he’s placing holy oil in the center of people head and he think he is God, miss me with that. Me, knowledge, and Bishop use to be super close until he started judging us about how we live our life. To be honest I feel like Bishop Jealous of me and he want my position. I don’t care how holy Bishop acts Satan was also once an Angel.
I stood to my feet to face him “Why are you even here? You don’t give a fuck about this family.”
“Apparently I do, or I wouldn’t be here.” Bishop smirked.
“Nigga I will slap that smirk off your fucking face.” I start walking towards Bishop and my father pulled me back.
“Stop! This is not the time or the place for this. Your mother Is lying up in the hospital bed fighting for her life.” My father reminded us.
I gave Bishop a death stare than walked away. I really wanted to stump his teeth out his mouth, if it wasn’t for my father I would have.
“The Pain family.” The doctor called out.
I rushed over to where the doctor was standing to see what he had to say, “Is my mother okay?�
�� I ask before he could say anything.
“Yes, she is going to be fine. Your mother blood pressure was through the roof. We’re going to keep her in the hospital until we get her blood pressure down. Also, your mother sugar levels were low we going to keep an eye on that also. She should be able to come home in a couple of days.”
“Thank you so much doc.”
“No problem, when Mrs. Pain come home all of you need to make sure she is taking her blood pressure medicine and diabetes medicine. Blood pressure is a silent killer sometimes there are no symptoms. If you wouldn’t have performed CPR and called the ambulance on time your mother probably wouldn’t be here.”
“Can we see her?” My father asked.
“Yes, you can. The nurse is switching her to another room right now. Soon as she done, I will have her come get you and your family.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“You’re welcome”
We waited patiently for the nurse to come get us for she could escort us to our mother room. I’m glad my mother is okay because if something happens to her, I don’t know what I will do. Me and my family have a close bond, it’s been like that since we were little. We always stick together and have each other back no matter what. Don’t get me wrong we have our ups and downs, but we always seem to overcome the bull shit. My mother hates the fact that me and Bishop not on good terms. She tries her best to make us see eye to eye but I’m just not feeling him. That’s my brother I love him to death, but I can’t fuck with him like that right now. I’m a real genuine person and I can’t deal with fake people. I say fake because Bishop was once a dopeboy selling everything he could get his hands on. Now he has the nerves to turn his nose up at me! that’s some fake shit if you ask me. I never been the type of person to judge the next man. If I got out the game today, I’m not about to look down on the next person because they are selling drugs that’s some lame shit. If anything, I will give them pointers on how to stack their money, own some business for they could get out the game asap. I have never look down on the next person because we came from poverty.