Violating The Love Of A Savage Read online

Page 8

  When I hit Tory, he fell straight to the floor. One of the peoples that was with him swung and I knocked his ass the fuck out. I look over to my right and Vince was beating the fuck out of Tory other boy that was with him. I didn’t even see Tory come over there. Security came rushing over trying to pull Vince off of him. I told security if he doesn’t get his hands-off Vince, I will break his neck.

  “Alright bruh that’s enough.” I told Vince. Vince threw one more punch then got up.

  “Pussy ass nigga.” Vince spit on him then walked away.

  “This shit isn’t over! I promise you that.” Tory said with a mouth full of blood.

  “Indeed.” I replied then made my way out the door.

  Soon as we step out the door the police were right there waiting.

  “I should’ve known it was one of you Pain brothers causing chaos.” Officer Mackey stated.

  “I didn’t cause nothing I was defending myself. I’m actually innocent this time.” I smirked.

  “Innocent my ass.”

  “Is we under arrest? if not, I have some business to take care of.”

  “You lucky I know your Uncle Jerry and your father, Or I would throw your ass in jail.” Officer Mackey said than made his way inside Magic City.


  Mrs. Elise Pain

  “Explain to me why our account is short again Elise.” My husband questioned.

  “Bishop needed to borrow some more money.”

  “Elise, he hasn’t paid us back from the last time.”

  “I know but he promises to give it back to us.”

  “That’s bull shit and you know it. it’s been two months and he still haven’t paid us back. If he that damn broke, he needs to go back to hustling. Shouldn’t no grown ass man be coming to his parents every chance he gets for money. We work hard for our money and I’m not about to be giving it away for free. I went to go purchase some property today I couldn’t even get the property I wanted because our money was short.”

  “It’s for something positive William stop tripping.”

  “You need to stop babying that boy he a grown ass man. Don’t loan him nothing else or we going to have a serious problem. Do I make myself clear?” I nodded my head yes then William walked out the room slamming the door behind him.

  I know I was wrong for giving bishop more money I just wanted to help him out. It seems like everybody in the family is against him so, I was just trying to have my son back. I trusted Bishop to pay us the money back. Bishop didn’t have nobody to help him out but me and his father. He couldn’t ask Saint and knowledge for shit. He burnt all his bridges with them. I tried my best to keep my boys together. Family was everything to me and I hated to see them arguing with each other. Every time Saint and Bishop see each other they were going at it like sworn enemies.

  That isn’t how I raised them. I raised them to stick together and have each other back no matter what. I’m not saying that Bishop not wrong for how been acting because he is. That still don’t give them the right to want to kill each other. Sometimes Bishop can be outspoken, and he can say some shit that will strike a nerve. Bishop know how to push Saint button and Saint know how to push Bishop button. One thing about my son Saint he not going to argue with you. He might say a couple of words then after that he is whooping your ass. Saint is the calm one and he think before he does things. Once you cross him though you might as well kill yourself. Saint isn’t to be fuck with and once he is angry there is no calming him down. Saint will bury you alive and murder your ass with no regrets. Knowledge is the hot temper one, I don’t give a fuck, I will fuck you up on-site type of guy. He gets that shit from his father. Knowledge has a bad temperament and he been like that since he was little.

  I can’t even count on my hand how many times his bad ass was kick out of school for fighting. Knowledge is easy to get along with, but he has zero tolerance for bull shit just like Saint. Once knowledge is mad all hell going to break loose and everybody going to die. Bishop is the hard-headed one. He always getting into unnecessary shit. I used to always call him a dare devil. Bishop is cool but he also got a bad temper, and he got a grimy side to him. Once you piss Bishop off, he will beat you up real bad or shoot you. Bishop always been the outcast of the brothers. Don’t get me wrong they were all close, but knowledge and Saint always been closer. They would still be tight if it wasn’t for bishop being judgmental. Ever Since Saint and bishop been having problems, Bishop don’t come around like he used to.

  If he does come over, he will make sure that he calls first to make sure it’s only me and his father here. I was sick of all this madness and that’s one of the reasons why I’m having Sunday dinner this week. We need to have a family talk and come to some type of agreement. I want the beef between Bishop and Saint to stop. I understand why Saint is angry, but the shit is starting to get out of hand. We are all we got, if we turn our back on each other we want have nothing or no one. it’s going to be hard trying to convince Saint to forgive his brother because he can be really stubborn at times. I’m hoping that I can get through him. I’m also thinking about talking to Saint about that bitch Sky, yeah, I said bitch. I don’t trust that mutt as far as I can throw her.

  She full of shit and she knows it. The very first time I met Sky she had gold digger written all over her. Sky been with my son a couple of years now and all she does is lay on her stanking ass and collect my son money. She claims she have all these dreams, but I don’t see her trying to fulfill them. All she wants to do is spend Saint money, go shopping, dress cute and think she the shit. I know for a fact Sky isn’t shit. Sooner or later Saint will know to. She plays this innocent role but baby she isn’t fooling me. I can’t wait to the truth come out about her ass. I know Sky be doing sneaky stuff when Saint isn’t around, I just don’t have proof. When I caught her in the restroom talking to that nigga on the phone, I wanted to beat her ass. Then she had the nerves to lie to me like I didn’t hear her conversation. I heard everything she said. I knew from jump Sky was talking to another man, but I could never prove it. Not only was she a gold digger, she was a cheater to. One thing for certain, two things for sure if Saint finds out that Sky is talking to somebody else, he going to drop her like a bad habit. I hope Sky got life insurance because she not going to live to tell it. Saint worship the ground Sky walk on. When he finds out she been betraying him it’s going to be hell to pay.



  “I know y’all probably wondering why I called y’all here today. As you all know someone on this team has been disloyal. Which one of y’all want to admit to it?” I said to the team as I stood before them with knowledge on by side.

  The team look at each other but no one didn’t want to own up to it.

  “I figure no one would admit it. You know why the person isn’t going to admit it because they a pussy. Do you know what happen to pussies? They get fucked up! After all I do for the team, I can’t believe that a motherfucker had the audacity to steal from me. I’m that same nigga that help you get to where you at today.” I shook my head because this shit was crazy. I couldn’t believe that I was even having this conversation with my team. I swear it’s always a bad apple out the bunch. “Since nobody wants to man up to their disloyalty, I guess I have to take matters into my own hands.”

  “Make them niggas feel your pain Saint.” Knowledge blurted out. I walked over to the table and grabbed my machete.

  “Its obvious that someone on the team doesn’t understand what loyalty is. Now this person has to pay for it with his life.” I walked over to Seth and stood in front of him.

  “What made you think that I wouldn’t find out you rob me? One thing you should know is the streets are always talking.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. I would never steal from you Saint that’s on my life.” I could tell Seth was nervous from how his voice was trembling.

  “Stop sounding like a bitch. You did that shit now own that shit.”

  “Man, Saint I swear I didn’t take your products.”

  “You know what happens to somebody that steals from me?”

  Seth nodded his head yeah.

  “Nigga that was a motherfucking question. Don’t nod your fucking head at me answer me like a man.”

  “Yeah I know.”

  “Take a seat at the table for we can talk about this like real men.”

  Seth look at me then Knowledge right before he took off running. Knowledge ran behind him catching him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Knowledge dragged him to the table where he made him take a seat.

  “Please don’t kill me man.”

  “Fuck you! you deserve everything you about to get.” Knowledge stated.

  “Hold your hand down on the table.” I told Seth.

  Seth held his hand out on the table. He was shaking like a prostitute on the corner on a cold wintery day. I could tell Seth was terrified, he should’ve thought about the consequences before he did it. He knows what type a person I am. I’m not about to let you get away with stealing from me. like I said before if you do it once you will do it again. Slice! I swung my machete chopping off four of Seth fingers leaving only his thumb.

  “Aww shit aww shit my hand man. I’m sorry Saint please done kill me please.” Seth was pleading for his life, but I didn’t care about that. He should’ve thought about that before he took my products.

  Blood was gushing out his hand and everybody in the room was disgusted. Money was throwing up because he couldn’t stomach it.

  “Put your other hand out.”

  “Please don’t this Saint I thoughtt we were better than this.”

  “I thought that to until you stole from me, now put your other hand out.”

  Seth wouldn’t put his other hand out instead he was crying and begging me not to kill him.

  “I will give you your money back. I have it at home. I promise just give me another chance please.”

  Wham! Knowledge hit Seth in the jaw I knew it was broken from the loud crack it made. If it wasn’t broken it was fractured for sure.

  “I don’t want that fucking money. I want your life. Now hold your other hand out. You can do this voluntary or involuntary it’s your choice.”

  I waited for Seth to put his hand out, but he didn’t. Knowledge grabbed his hand and held it firmly down on the table.

  Slice! I chopped four more of his fingers off from his right hand. Seth tried fighting but he couldn’t. He had lost to much blood and he was getting weak.

  “Tie that nigga up.” I told knowledge. After Knowledge was done tying Seth up like I demanded. I walked over to Seth and shot him in the thigh.

  “Why don’t you just kill me man.” Seth cried out.

  “Nah that’s to easy you have to feel my Pain.” I poured the Clorox bleach into his wound.

  “Ahhhh ahh shit.” Seth yelled out in excruciating pain.

  “Fuck you Saint! fuck you.”

  Pow! I shot Seth in his other thigh then poured bleach into his other wound. I torcher Seth for the next five minutes. When I was done, I sliced his neck from ear to ear killing him instantly. I walked into the room and pushed the coffin out I had ordered. I had the team placed Seth body inside the casket than loaded it into the van.

  “Before we deliver Seth body to his mother house is there any other disloyal people on my team? Because I can make arrangement for you to join him.” The team shook their heads no.

  “If you got a disloyal bone in your body, I suggest you leave this team now.”

  After I was done saying what I had to say we left to go drop the body off. Knowledge drove while I sat in the passenger side. The rest on the team sat I back of the van with the casket.

  “Them niggas was scared as fuck when you start chopping Seth fingers off.” I burst out laughing.

  “I wanted them to be. I bet you they will think twice before crossing me or anybody else.”

  “Real shit.”

  I hated that I had to do that shit to Seth, but he deserves that shit. I’m not holding back from no man that steal from me. I know this sound cruel, but I will kill my own father if he steals from me, it’s the principal behind this shit. A person knows right from wrong and they know the shit wrong when they do it. One thing about me I’m not holding hands with no nigga. I shouldn’t have to tell a grown ass man stealing is wrong he should already know that you learn that shit when you a kid.

  “Te’Asia pregnant.”

  “What! Are you serious?”

  “Yeah but I don’t think it’s mine. Remember I told you she been fucking that nigga Tory from the southside.”

  “Yeah, I remember. Make her ass get a DNA test. I wouldn’t trust that shit.”

  “I’m already ten steps ahead of you. I told her to get a DNA test soon as she told me. I don’t trust her ass as far as I can throw her. I meant to tell you the other night me and Vince got into an altercation at Magic City.”

  “With who?”

  “That nigga Tory Te’Asia been messing with.”

  ‘Dam for what.”

  “He called his self-trying to check me and I wasn’t going. I guess he thought I was scared because he had his boys behind him.”

  “Why you didn’t call me?”

  “I didn’t have time to. Plus, me and Vince beat the fuck out of them. They didn’t want no smoke.”

  I shook my head because if it wasn’t one thing it was another. Now we got to worry about having unnecessary beef with these southside characters. I’m happy Knowledge and Vince handle that shit though.”

  “Good I’m glad you made them lames feel your pain.”

  “Since we on the subject of women, I been feeling some type of way about Sky.”

  “What you mean?”

  “Lately sky been holding stuff from me. She makes me not trust her. I hate feeling like I can’t trust a person, especially my girl.”

  “What she do?”

  “You know Emani been missing right?”

  “Nah I didn’t know that.”

  “Well Emani been missing for a while now and Sky didn’t tell me. Then to top it off JC baby mama and two kids died in a fire last week. Sky knew about it and didn’t tell me. Not to mention one night she lied about her phone being dead, for some reason I don’t believe her. The stuff she was saying wasn’t adding up.”

  “Damn! I didn’t even know JC baby mama and his kids died that’s fucked up, I have my condolences. Something fishy about that situation. As close as Emani and Sky is I can’t see her hiding that from you. I’m trying to figure out why Sky wouldn’t tell you Emani missing and why she didn’t tell you about the situation with JC. I agree with you, this isn’t adding up.”


  We pulled up to Seth mother house minutes later. I laid the black dress I bought for his mother on top of the casket. The team grabbed the casket out the van then sat it on her front porch. The team got back in the van except for Vince. He rung the doorbell then ran back to the van then we pulled off. We weren’t even halfway down the street before I heard Seth mother screaming and crying to the top of her lungs.

  “My baby, help me please!”

  She should’ve taught her son right from wrong or she wouldn’t have to bury him. At least we bought her black dress and his casket that’s two less things she will have to do.



  It’s been days since I killed Alana husband Maurice. I had to find a way to get his body out my house because it was starting to smell like death. I called one of my boys to see could he help me remove the body and he told he would be here shortly. I didn’t want to call him, but I had no choice. The only reason I didn’t want to call him is because Money work for Saint and that’s the last person I need in my business. Don’t get me wrong Saint isn’t a snitch or anything like that, but I don’t need him throwing shit in my face. My brothers already think I’m a hypocrite and a fake ass pastor. I couldn’t continue to keep this dead body inside my
home though. It was only a matter of time before my neighbors or someone else smelled the scent.

  My boy Money was good at getting rid of dead bodies and he knew exactly how to cover up the evidence. Money is the only person that I could trust to help me. I wanted to call Saint or Knowledge, but I knew they wasn’t going to come to my rescue. Money and I been boys since sandbox days. I knew that I could depend on him if I couldn’t depend on nobody else. I waited patiently for my Money to arrive. I can’t lie these last couple of days I been on edge, especially with this body still in my house. If the police were to come check my house right now, I will be in some deep stuff. I wouldn’t be able to lie my way out this one for sure. I’m mad that Maurice body is even here. It makes me madder when I think about the reason. If I knew this was going to happen, I would have fucked the shit out Maurice wife. I’m not going to lie; Alana came on to me several times.

  I could’ve easily given her this Wesley Pipe dick, but I didn’t. My mind wasn’t focus on sex I had to much stuff going on I needed to handle. Plus, I didn’t want to get Alana involve in what I had going on. Alana did kiss me once, but I stopped that shit quick. Don’t get me wrong Alana is an attractive woman, but I don’t have time for that right now. What I’m dealing with is already a headache and having a woman will only add on to it. Knock! Knock! The knock on the door threw me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my gun out my holster then walked over to the door. Since I killed Maurice, I been paranoid as hell.

  “Who is it?”

  “It’s me nigga.” Money replied.

  I had forgot that quick that I called him over.

  “Damn that shit stank.” Money said holding his shirt over his nose when he walked in.

  “I know that’s why I got to get rid of it.”