Violating The Love Of A Savage Read online

Page 10

  “Baby, are you okay?” Sky asked as she got in the car to join me.

  “Hell nah, I’m sick of this shit Sky. Every time I turn around its some bull shit happening.”

  “Baby calm down.”

  “That’s easy for you to say when your mother perfectly healthy.”

  “Really Saint, don’t take your anger out on me.”

  “You part of the problem to Sky.”

  “What I do?” Sky asked with a confuse look on her face.

  “We will talk about it this isn’t the time or place.”

  “Make this shit about me why don’t you. You know what take me the fuck home. I’m about to go grab my belongings.” Sky got out the car slamming the door behind her.

  Soon as she went in the house my father came out. I stepped out the car for I could see what my father wanted.

  “Son I know this isn’t the time for this, but I need to talk to you about something.”

  “What’s up pop’s”

  “Lately, Bishop been coming over here borrowing money from me and your mother. A while ago me and your mother loan him $100,00o that he never paid back. Then she loaned him $50,000 last week. I think your brother I in some kind of trouble I need you to look into it for me.”

  “What he need all that money for?”

  “He claim to remodel the church, but I don’t believe that. He barely preaches on Sundays or any other day.”

  “I don’t believe it either, I will see what I can find out.”

  “Okay. Son don’t be worrying about your mother she is going to be okay. We got some of the best doctors taking care of her.”

  “I hope so.”

  My pops gave me a hug than made his way back in the house. Minutes later Sky got in the car slamming the door.

  “Bruh gone with that attitude shit I’m not playing.”

  “Whatever.” U was about to curse Sky out, but I had to hold my cools. I know if I would’ve said something it would’ve led to an argument.

  I got out the car for I could go tell my family by. I gave my mother a big hug than placed a kissed on her forehead.

  “Son I don’t need you worrying about me okay.”

  “That’s not easy not to do.”

  “I know but I need you to be strong for me.”

  “I will mama. I love you.”

  “I love you more son. Oh, Saint.” My mother called my name before I could make it out the door.

  “What’s up?”

  “I need to talk to you about something. I will call you soon.”

  “Okay. Don’t forget ma you know how you get.”

  “Boy shut up! I want forget.”


  I walked back to the car than got in. Now I had to deal with Skylar funky ass attitude.

  “Did you tell your little girlfriend by?” Sky ask soon as I got in the car.

  “What is you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the Kareema bitch. I saw how you looked at her Saint! Then your mother over there talking about of course you know who Saint is like y’all know each other very well. So, what’s up?”

  I laid my head back on my head rest because Sky was starting to zone me out already. I wasn’t in the mood right now to be hearing this.

  “So, how you know her so well?”

  “I called the nursing agency for my mother and that’s who they sent. I met her when she first came and a couple of times after that.”

  “That explain why you been checking on your mother so much.”

  “Man, I check on my mother all the time, mix me with that bull shit Sky.” I said as pulled off for we could make our way home.

  “Yeah whatever! I saw how y’all was looking at each other. You must think the hoe sexy.”

  I pulled over to the side of the road “To be honest I think she sexy as fuck. What should that matter though because I love you. You act like I fucked the girl.”

  “You should have the way you were undressing her with your eyes.”

  I put my car back in drive and pulled off. I didn’t feel like arguing with Sky so, I didn’t even reply. The entire ride Sky and I rode in complete silence. I didn’t feel like talking to her anyways. Sky have some nerve to be questioning me about another woman after she lied to me. Now she is sitting over there with a funky ass attitude when in reality I should be the only one with an attitude. One thing for sure though I’m not about to kiss her ass nor waste my energy on her.

  The next morning me and Sky still weren’t speaking to each other. When we did talk, we barely said two words to each other, or the conversation was dry. You could feel the tension the air between us. I hated the fact that we weren’t talking to each other because communication is important in a relationship at least to me. When I woke up this morning, I wasn’t mad anymore but apparently Sky was. She was walking around with her lips poked out and slamming doors.

  Usually Sky would tell me good morning and give me a kiss when she wakes up but not this morning. I didn’t understand why Sky was so mad. She acts like I fucked Kareema or something. Yeah, I was looking at her because I was shocked, she was there. I’m not saying I wasn’t wrong for looking because I was. As far as what my mother said about Kareema already knowing me I can’t control what my mother does or say. Was my mother wrong for saying Kareema knew me? yes, was my mother wrong for inviting Kareema to dinner? yes. Like I said before I felt like my mother did that purposely.

  The only reason I feel like this is because this was supposed to be a family dinner last time, I checked Kareema wasn’t no kin to us. My mother has the tendency to do petty shit sometime especially if she doesn’t like you. Like I mention before my mother will do what ever it takes to get under Sky skin. I hopped in the shower for I could get my day started. When I got out the shower Sky was gone. This the shit that piss me off. How the fuck she going to leave and not tell me where she is going. I don’t care how mad I am I will never do that to my woman. I wasn’t about to sweat it though. If Sky want to walk around with a stanking ass attitude that’s on her. I’m not about to kiss her ass or get on her level of pettiness. Life is to damn short to be beefing over some small shit. I got bigger problems to be worried about. I grabbed my keys off the nightstand than made my way downstairs.

  “Saint wait.” Sky voice said from behind me. I thought she was gone but I guess she was in the other room.

  “Baby I’m sorry for acting the way I did last night. I overreacted a little.

  “A little?”

  “Okay maybe a lot. I got jealous when I saw another beautiful woman had your attention.”

  “Sky you the only woman that catch my attention. It could be thousands of beautiful women in front of me, you will be the only one that catch my eyes.”

  “Aww thank you baby. do you forgive me?”

  “Yeah I forgive you.” Sky push her lips against mines than gave me a tight hug.

  “I- “

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Loud banging interrupted what Sky was about to say.

  “Who the fuck is that.” I pulled my Glock off my waist and went to go peek out the window. I was shocked to see a detective standing at my door.

  “Fuck that’s the police.” I whispered to Sky.

  “Oh my God why are they here?” Sky said sounding paranoid.

  “I don’t know your guess as good as mine.”

  Boom! Boom! The detective knocked again. I place my gun back on my side and asked who is it.

  “It’s Detective Tolbert.”

  “What you want?” I asked through the door.

  “I’m looking for a Skylar McPherson.

  I look over at Sky her eyes were buck, and her hands were shaking.

  “Why they looking for you?” I asked Sky.

  “I have no idea baby.” For some reason I got a feeling that she was lying once again.

  “What you need to talk to Skylar about?” I asked soon as I open the door.

  “About her friend Emani.”

  “Oh my God did you fi
nd her? is she okay?” Skylar asked as she rushed to the door.

  “At this point we are not sure if your friend is okay. We were hoping that you can give us some information that will help us find your friend. Is it okay if I asked you a couple of questions?” Detective Mackey asked.

  “No problem go right ahead.”

  “When is the last time you had contact with your friend Emani?”

  “The night she came up missing.”

  “What night was that?

  “I can’t remember the exact date, but it was a couple of Tuesdays ago.”

  “Did you see Emani personally or were you on the phone together?”

  “Both. I went to her house than after I left, she called me to talk about something.”

  “Was Emani upset about anything that particular night?”

  “No no not that I know of.” Sky stuttered over her words.

  “How is Emani relationship with her boyfriend Jason?”

  “They have their good days and bad days like any other relationship.” Every time Detective Tolbert ask as questions, I made sure I paid attention to Skylar body language. Reading her body language telling me she is lying about something or she knows something. My father always told me body language will tell you the truth before a person mouth would.

  “Are you ok Ms. McPherson?”

  “Yes, why do you ask?”

  “Because you seem fidgety.”

  “Oh, I’m cool I just had a long night, I’m tired.”

  “Well I only have a couple of more questions for you.”

  “Do you think Jason would kill his baby mother and children?

  “Absolutely not! Me and Jason might not see eye to eye all the time, but Jason would never hurt his children.”

  “Would he hurt Fancy?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you think he will hurt Emani?”

  “No, I don’t know. Look you asked me enough questions. I really don’t feel like talking anymore.”

  “Okay one more question. The night you talked to Emani you said she called you after you left her house. How long was it after you left that she called?”

  “About ten minutes.”

  “Okay thank you for your cooperation.”

  “You’re welcome. By the way you look very familiar.”

  “Umm I don’t know why I never I been in any type of trouble.”

  “I can’t put my finger on it, but I definitely saw you before.” The detective stared hard at Sky trying to figure out why her face looks so familiar.”

  “I got it. Do you be visiting anyone at the United stated penitentiary?”

  “No no no not me. you must have me confuse with someone else.” Sky replied hesitating over her words.

  “Maybe I do but I could’ve sworn I just saw you when I came down there to visit an inmate. Maybe it wasn’t you, anyways you guys have a blessed day.” The detective winked at Sky than walked away.

  Usually I wouldn’t let the police nowhere near my house, but I needed to know what he wanted to question Sky about. I notice on certain questions Sky would stutter or get really nervous. Standing here observing their conversation I know exactly what it is that Sky is hiding from me.



  My heart was beating rapidly the whole time the detective questioned me. I just knew he was about to arrest my black ass and throw me in jail. The entire time I tried to remain calm, but I couldn’t. I found myself shaking or playing with my hands. When I’m nervous it’s hard for me to control my body language but I was trying my best. I was trying to make sure I didn’t say anything that will incriminate me. I don’t know did the detective believe anything I was saying but I was praying he did. I was not trying to go to jail over some shit I shouldn’t been involved in in the first place. I hated that I got myself caught up in somebody else relationship problem. I should’ve just followed my heart and went straight home that night. Instead I had to be captain save a friend.

  “Y’all killed her?” Saint said out of nowhere.

  “What what are you talking about.” I said stumbling over my words as usual when I’m busted in a lie.

  “You and Emani Killed them. That’s why you didn’t tell me about it. Now that I think about it that same night you came in here smelling like gasoline. The detective even asked you did you make any stops after leaving Emani house you said no. you told me that you stop at the gas station. So, you lied again. Either you tell me the truth or get your shit and get the fuck out. One thing I hate is a fucking liar and I be damn if one live under my roof.” I tried to hold my tears from flowing down my face, but I couldn’t. “I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to I swear I didn’t. This is all Emani fault.” I said as I buried my face inside Saint chest. I was crying heavily, and I couldn’t hold it in no more.

  “What happened Sky? Talk to me.

  I wipe the tears away from my face and took a deep breath “The day you told me Emani had called me I end up stopping by her house the next day. When I got there Emani was furious because JC had been with Fancy and she was tried of it. I asked Emani what she was going to do about the situation and her response was kill her.”

  “You agreed for her to do that bull shit over a nigga?”

  “No, I didn’t. I told Emani if JC keeps running back to his baby mama Fancy than she needs to leave him alone because she isn’t worth killing. Emani was so livid that she wasn’t trying to hear nothing I was saying. I tried to stop her, but she insisted. Emani grabbed her keys off the table and stormed out the door. I sat there for a while trying to debate should I go stop her. At first, I wasn’t going to go but I did because I didn’t want her to do something she will regret. When I walked up to Fancy house the door was cracked open. I walked in only to slip in some blood. I made my way upstairs only to find Fancy dead and Emani standing over her with her gun, it was already too late Emani had murdered Fancy. I told Emani that we had to leave to before somebody came but Emani insisted we had to get rid of the body first. We couldn’t put the body in a trunk because we couldn’t risk getting caught by a neighbor. Emani had already decided that she was going to set the house one fire anyways, so she did. She poured gasoline from Fancy bedroom, to the hallway than down the stairs. When she was done Emani lit a piece of paper and the house went up in flames. We ran out the back door through the woods to our cars.”

  Saint sat down on the couch shaking his head.

  “Did y’all even check to make sure there wasn’t no kids in the house?”

  “No, I didn’t think to do that. I was thinking that the kids were still with Fancy mother. Last time I asked Emani about the kids she told me they were with Fancy mother.”

  “Damn that shit fucked up. Y’all took they life all over some bull shit. Skylar you know not to get your ass involve in no shit like that. I don’t need no type polices or detective snooping around our house. You know the type of work I do and the last thing I need is to get caught up in some bull shit that don’t benefit me or my family.”

  “I know baby I’m sorry.” I began crying even harder. I never meant for this shit to happen at all especially not with the kids. This is going to be something that hunts me for the rest of my life.

  “Don’t be sorry be careful. How many times have I told you Sky to walk away from bull shit. I understand Emani is your friend but if she wants to throw her life away for some dick so be it.” Saint stood to his feet and began pacing the floor. “I can’t believe this shit! How can you be so careless?”

  “Baby please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I was afraid to. Saint, I don’t want to go to jail baby.” The thought of being locked up away from saint made me cry even more.

  Saint took me into his arms and hugged me. “Baby I’m not going to let them take you away from me I promise you that. I do have one question though.”

  “Where is Emani? Is she hiding?”

  “Baby I honestly don’t know where Emani
at. Everything I told you about the police pulling her over I was telling the truth. I haven’t heard or talked to Emani.”

  Saint gaze into my eyes “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah I’m positive. You don’t believe me?”

  “Yes, I believe you. I don’t know where Emani at but if she is hiding, eventually the police going to feel like she had something to do with it. Right now, they are focus on JC but once the police realize he didn’t do it Emani will be the next suspect on the list.”

  “I don’t know if Emani dead or alive. I hope she hit me up soon.”

  “Yeah, me to.”



  After beating the fuck out of Tory and his boys I had a feeling that they were going to retaliate. That’s why I made it my business to make my way over Te’Asia house for I can get all the information she had on him. I knew she was about to take me through hell or try to make me fuck her in order to get some information. That’s exactly why I hate giving female this pipe because they always get addicted and don’t know how to act. Te’Asia already mad I got her number blocked.

  She’s been calling me from her best friend phone every day. It got to the point I had to block Te’Asia best friend number. That didn’t stop her from calling me though everyday Te’Asia was calling me from a different number. I thought eventually she would get tired of calling me, but she didn’t. That made her stalk me even more. Te’Asia was sending me all types of voice mails and text messages from different numbers. She even had the nerves to tell me if she can’t have me nobody can. The nerve of her when she is fucking another man. I pulled up to Asia house minutes later. I knock on the door and waited for her to answer.

  “Who is it?” Te’Asia said with a funky ass attitude.


  “Who is me?”

  “You know who it is. Open this door before I kick it in.”