Violating The Love Of A Savage Page 6
“Where are you going looking all sexy?” I asked Sky.
“To the mall.”
“With who Emani?”
“No, myself.”
I gave Sky the side eye because she never goes to the mall by herself. That wasn’t adding up to me.
“Where Emani at?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her in a couple of days.”
“Is she okay?”
“I don’t know.”
From the look on Sky face and her responses she was giving to the detective; I could tell there was something she was leaving out.
“Sky baby what is it? did y’all fall out?”
Sky shook her head no.
“What is it then?”
“Emani been missing for the last couple of days.”
“What you mean missing?”
“No one haven’t saw her, not even her mama. I rode pass her house a couple of times and she wasn’t there.”
“Did you ask JC have he saw her?”
“Yeah he hasn’t heard from her either. The last time I talked to her we were on the phone and she got pulled over by the police. They asked her to step out the car then the phone disconnected. I haven’t heard from her since. I called every jail I could think of and she wasn’t in the system.”
“That’s not making sense to me.”
“Why did the police pull her over?”
“I don’t know.”
Something was telling me that Sky knew more then what she was saying. For one she was acting nervous, for two she was slightly shaking, and for three why wouldn’t mention to me that Emani was missing.
“When was the last time you saw her?”
“Last Tuesday.”
“Was that the same day she came up missing?”
“Last Tuesday when you walked in the house, I asked you why weren’t answering your phone and you told me because you left it in the car. You also told me in the process of calling me back your phone went dead. If your phone was dead how were you talking to Emani? And why would you be on the phone with her when you just left?” Sky got caught in her on lie and one thing I hate is a fucking liar.
I stood there dumbstruck because I just got myself caught up in my own lie. I didn’t know how I was going to get out of this one. I could tell Saint the truth but that wouldn’t be a good idea. I would have to explain to him how I killed a mother and her two children, all over some dick that wasn’t mine. Although, I wasn’t the one who committed the crime, I still was an accomplice because I was there. Saint not going to like the fact that I even got involve in Emani situationship. Saint always tells me to stay in the business that pays you. Meaning the only business, I should be involved in is my own, other people business is irrelevant. I had to think of something to say and I had to think quick.
“My phone did go dead babe. I found my charger in the glove comportment. Soon as I turned my phone one Emani called me. We talked for a couple of minutes and that’s when I heard her getting pulled over. I thought I told you that maybe I forgot to mention that part.” Whew! That was a good excuse I just hope Saint busy it.
“I don’t believe you Sky but since I don’t have proof that your lying, I’m going to let this slide. If I found out differently you will feel my wrath.” Saint said then made his way out the door.
I wipe the sweat off my head then took me a shot of Cîroc to calm my nerves. I glanced out the window to make sure Saint was gone. When I didn’t see him in sight I left. I know I told Saint I was going to the mall, but I was really on my way to go see Quez. I haven’t saw Quez in over a month and I miss him so much. I hate seeing Quez locked up it do something to my soul. Every time I go visit him; I be wishing that he could walk out them doors with me. When I leave it feel like I’m leaving a part of me there with him. it’s extremely hard to see the man I love behind bars. This isn’t how I picture life with him. I pictured us married with kids, living on the beach some where and making love in the sand until the sun come up. I wanted to be with this man for the rest of my life, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. As much as I prayed for him to get out, you would’ve thought that God would’ve answered my prayers, but he didn’t. I guess God had different plans for me. God knew that Quez wasn’t going to get out no time soon, that’s why Saint crossed my path.
“Hi, I’m here to see Jaquez Freeman.” I told the receptionist at the prison. The lady types his name in the computer then handed me my visiting past. I took seat in they hard ass chairs and waited patiently for Quez to come out.
I had butterflies in my stomach as if it was my first time seeing him incarcerated. I don’t know why I feel like this every time I come see him. It was something about him that still made me get butterflies. Seconds later Quez walked through the double doors and a smile crept across my face. Quez was smiling from ear to ear I could tell that he was excited to see me. I stood to my feet to greet Quez with a hug. The prison he was in allowed you to hug and talk to each other face to face. When he was in the county jail, I had to talk to him through a thick ass glass, I hated that shit.
“Damn I miss you baby.” Quez said as he held me tight. I could feel his dick poking me in my thigh.
“I miss you to and from the looks of it, it feels like something else miss me.”
After we were done hugging, we took a seat at the round table.
“You can’t tell me nobody isn’t getting that pussy. You then got thick as fuck and that ass spreading. Stand up and turn around I want to admire your body.”
I stood up and turned around slowly for Quez could get a good glimpse at all my curves. Quez bit his bottom lip and began shaking his head.
“What?” I asked as I sat back down.
“You are so fucking sexy. I’m ready to fuck the shit out of you right now Quez said as he strokes his dick through his pants.
“I wish you could, but you know that isn’t happening.”
“Why not?”
“Because were not allowed to have sex in here unless we married that’s why.”
“Marry me then.”
My eyes grew big when Quez said that because I wasn’t expecting that to come out his mouth.
“Boy stop playing with me.”
“I’m serious I miss my woman. I want to make love to you, I want to feel you, I want to taste my pussy, I miss that shit. All you have to do is say yes and I can make this shit happen.”
“I I don’t know Quez.” I replied stuttering over my words. Don’t get me wrong I love Quez, but I didn’t want to get married in a prison that’s isn’t how I pictured my wedding day.
“What the fuck you mean you don’t know!” Quez said raising voice causing other people to look at us.
“Why are you yelling?”
“Because why are you hesitating about marrying me? you said I’m the only man you want to spend the rest of your life with so what’s the problem Sky? I know what it is you got another nigga. I knew it was only a matter of time before you turn my back on me like everybody else did. The fucked-up part is I looked out for everybody. Now the shoe on the other foot don’t nobody look out for Jaquez Leon Freeman.”
“it’s not that I don’t want to marry you Jaquez. I just don’t want to get married in a dirty ass prison that isn’t how I pictured my dream wedding.”
“Right now, that’s all I can give you Skylar. You know if I was out our wedding would be big and lit.”
“I know but-”
“Isn’t no buts, I’m going to asked you one more time. Skylar will you marry me?” Quez asked again but this time he got down on one knee.
Although it wasn’t my dream proposal it still gave me butterflies. Seeing Quez down on one knee in front of all these people how I could I say no.
“Yes, Quez I will marry you.” Everybody was cheering and clapping for us.
“I can’t wait to make you my wife.”
“I can’t wait to make you my hu
“My sister came to see me the other day.”
“For what?” I rolled my eyes.
“To check up on me.”
“Your family kills me they didn’t fuck with you none when you were out. Now you in jail they want to come see you. I don’t know your sister and I don’t care to know her. Is she really your sister because I never met her ass?”
“Here you go. I told you I had a sister when we first met Skylar. I told you that she stayed in California. You don’t remember that?”
“Yes, I remember but”
“There isn’t no buts. That’s my sister and you got to respect her if you going to be my wife.
“Five minutes until visiting is over.” The guard interrupted.
“Look I don’t have much time left but my sister told me that she knows some people in high places. She also told me she might know a friend that can help get me out, but she said it might take a while. All I need is for you to wait for me Skylar. I promise I will be home soon.”
“I keep hearing that Jaquez.”
“I got faith and you have to have it to baby. I know one thing when I get out a whole lot a niggas got to answer to me. I’m in here doing a crime for some shit I didn’t do. I could see if I pulled the trigger, but I didn’t.”
“So, who did?”
“I told you I wasn’t telling you who did it. you don’t know him anyways so what’s the point of telling you? just know he a miscellaneous nigga that did some bull shit. You will find out soon who he is when I murder his ass.”
“Isn’t that’s why you in here in the first place, murder shouldn’t even come out your mouth.”
“I’m not going to get caught that’s a fact.”
I shook my head because Quez was sounding real stupid right now. Murder should be the last thing on his mind. The only thing he should be focus on is getting his ass out of jail for he can be free.
“Time up!” The guard shouted.
Quez gave me another hug and kissed me on the cheek.
“I love you so much baby.”
“I love you to Skylar, Be good.”
“I’m always good.”
I left out the building and once again I was feeling like I left a part of me. I wanted to bring my man home with me, but I couldn’t.
I was out riding enjoying my day until a crack head name Joe jumped in front of my car. If I didn’t look up when I did, I would’ve hit his punk ass.
“Man, what the fuck wrong with you jumping in front of my car Joe. I almost ran your dumb ass over.”
“I just wanted to ta- ta- tell you that’s som som somebody out here got the same shit as you.” Joe said stuttering over his words.
“What you trying to say Joe I don’t understand that shit.”
“Som somebody got th the same crack as y’all out here.”
“What you mean? Is you trying to say that somebody got the same product as we do?”
“Tha tha that’s exactly what I’m trying to say.”
“Where did you get the product from?”
“Fro fro from the southside.”
“Do you remember the nigga that sold it to you?”
“I I don’t know him bu bu, but I know somebody that do. Hol hol hold on.” Joe grabbed his phone out his pocket and made a phone call.
This stuttering shit was getting on my nerves, but I need to find out what Joe knew. There isn’t no way that somebody should have the same products as us when our cocaine connect is in another country. I know for a guarantee fact don’t nobody got the products we got. If Joe can tell me the name of the person who sold it to him then I’m on to something. My trigger finger been itching to kill somebody.
“He he said that som som somebody name Seth brought that shit to the southside, He he was selling it for the low.”
I knew it was between him and Rob punk ass, I just wasn’t sure. Now that I know who it is, I can call and let Saint know. Things are about to get ugly for Seth real fast.
“Good looking Joe. Here go get you a burger or some speech therapy.” I threw him a couple of hundreds for giving me the information. I knew it was only a matter of time before I found out who stole from us. One thing about the streets they talk, and you bound to get caught up if your nit careful. I called Saint to let him know that it was Seth that stole the products. Saint told me not to bring it to his attention yet then told me his plan. I was down for everything Saint told me. Seth was about to be in a rule awakening when we bring this to his ass. The shit that make me mad is this nigga come to work every day like he hasn’t done shit. That’s product he stole he make double that in a week. That’s what you call a greedy ass nigga. See being greedy will get your ass caught up in some shit you don’t want to be in. At the end of the day that shit isn’t even worth. Seth should’ve just stolen all the products because he going to die anyway.
I was happy when Knowledge told me he found out who took our products. It was about to be some fucking blood shedding and I mean that. I was about to make a prime example out of Seth ass. I guarantee the next person that think about stealing from me they going to think twice. What I’m going to do to Seth is going to be worse thing I ever done to anybody. Seth was one of my good workers and I actually liked his punk ass. I can’t let this slide though because if I do, a motherfucker will keep getting over on you. Like my mother use to say never bite the hand that feeds you and never trust a motherfucker twice I stand on all that shit. When I hung up with Knowledge, I walked in my mother house to check up on her. I haven’t saw her in a couple of days, but I made sure that I called her when I couldn’t make it over.
“What’s up my beautiful mother.”
“Hey baby, how are you?”
“I’m good, I can’t complain.”
“I heard that baby.”
“Where pops at?”
“Him and your Uncle Jerry went fishing again.”
“Oh, Where your nurse at?”
“She had an appointment today. She told me she would be in later.”
“I’m cooking Sunday dinner next week. I want all y’all to come over. Make sure you bring Sky to.”
“Ma what you up to? You never invite Sky over.”
“I’m not up to nothing I just want to have Sunday dinner with my family, tomorrow isn’t Promise.”
My mother didn’t like Sky for nothing in the world. There is no way in hell she wants to be in her presents. I been with Sky for a while and my mother doesn’t even asked about her. When she does it’s always in a disrespectful way. She would say things like where you little girlfriend at with her gold-digging ass or where your hoe at. Me and mother had plenty of arguments about her disrespecting Sky. My mother calls Sky all these things yet and still she won’t tell me why. She can’t even give me a legitimate reason why she says the things she does. Sometimes I wonder is there something my mother know that I don’t. I mean for her to call my woman a hoe it got to be a reason behind it. Sky don’t present herself like a hoe and she damn sure don’t act like one.
“Okay we will be here only if you promise to be nice to Sky.”
“I will I promise baby. Watch my chicken while I go to the bathroom.”
I sat at the kitchen table texting Sky telling her about our Sunday dinner invite. Sky probably don’t want to come but who can blame her. The way my mother talks about her and treats her that will make any woman feel unwelcome.
“Hey.” I heard a baby voice saying from behind me.
I turned around to look and it was Kareema. Once again, a nigga was in a daze. Our eyes connected, and I couldn’t stop staring at her pretty ass. I could feel my man hood rising, I had to tell his ass to calm down because this dick belongs to Sky. This was one of them moments when I wish I was single.
“You know it’s rude to stare and not speak right.” I snapped out of the nasty thou
ght that was flooding my mind.
“How you doing Kareema?”
“I’m fine. How about you?”
“I’m blessed.”
“That’s good to hear.” I glanced at Kareema hand only to see a wedding ring on her finger. How the fuck did I missed that last time I said to myself. Fine as she is, I should’ve known a nigga wife her.
“You married?”
“What made you asked me that?” I look at the ring on Kareema finger then looked back at her.
“I was married.”
“Are you separated or divorce?”
“We divorce.”
“Why you still wearing the ring then?”
“Because I like it, wait why am I explaining myself to you? and why are you questioning me like I’m your woman?”
“My bad, I was curious that’s all.” In a way I was in my feeling over that shit. I don’t know why but I was.
“Are you married Saint?”
‘Do you have a woman?”
“You nosey Kareema.”
“I can’t be no nosier than you boo. You are questioning me like you the man that’s beating this pussy every night.” Kareema smiled “Now like I said do you have a woman?” I can’t lie Kareema smart as remarks turned me on “Yeah I do.”
“I figure that a man as fine as you weren’t on the market.”
“Do you love her?”
“I guess you can say that.”
“Hell, nah he doesn’t love her ass, He think he in love but he not.” My mother butted in.
Me and Kareema burst out laughing because my mother came out of nowhere.
“Ma there you go.”
“What? What I do?”
“I was answering the question for you. You don’t love her you blinded by her foolishness. I can see right through her ass. If I didn’t respect you, I would’ve smacked that gold-digging bitch a long time ago.” My mama said as she flipped her chicken.