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Violating The Love Of A Savage Page 7

  “Ma you need to stop, Sky still your daughter in law.”

  “Why? I’m the best mother in law a woman could have. I just smell bull shit from miles away unlike my sons.” Kareema chuckled at my mother response.

  “Well let me get out of here I got some business to handle. I will see y’all later.” I kissed my mother on the cheek.

  “Don’t be running because I’m speaking the truth. You will see one day and I’m going to be like I told you so.”

  I shook my head then made my way out the door. My mother so wishy washy one minute she is inviting Sky to dinner the next she saying she isn’t shit. I swear that lady be confusing me sometimes. I wish my mother would stop that shit honestly. I mean if it’s something she need to tell me she need to get that shit off her chest. I hate negative bull shit that’s why I left. Who wants to constantly hear their mother down talk the woman they love? Not me. Not only that she is doing it in front of somebody that we barely know. The only people that know how my mother feels about Sky is our family. My mother was out of order for talking about Sky like that in front of Kareema. I’m starting to feel like she did that shit on purpose. That’s why I walked away because I didn’t want to have type of confrontation with my mother especially not while Kareema was there. After I left my mother house, I stopped at Exxon gas station to get some gas. Soon as I walked in, I be damned if JC wasn’t in the store. This was my time to asked him what was going on with Emani. I believe deep down in my heart that Sky was lying to me. If I find out she is she going to see a side of me she never saw before.

  “What’s up JC.”

  “My nigga Saint, what’s going on?”

  “Same shit getting this money.”

  “I feel you on that.” I told the cashier I needed gas on pump 5, I handed him my money, and told him to keep the change. We walked out the store and continued our conversation.

  “Sky told me that Emani been missing. What’s up with that?”

  “Man, I don’t know. I been blowing her phone up for days. I even stopped by a couple of her family members house including her mother, haven’t nobody heard from her. I thought maybe Sky knew where she was at, but she didn’t. Sky told me she got pulled over while she was on the phone with Emani.”

  “She told me that to.” Maybe Sky wasn’t lying after all, but something still wasn’t sitting right with me.

  “All this shit is to much on a nigga. My girl missing not only that, my baby mama and my two kids got murdered.”

  “What! When was this?”

  “You didn’t know?”

  “Hell, nah I didn’t know. I would’ve reach out to you. Damn I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “I’m surprise Sky didn’t tell you.”

  “Sky knows?”

  “Yeah, we were talking about it the other day.”

  Now shit really wasn’t adding the fuck up. Why Sky wouldn’t tell me JC kids died. She loved them kids like they were her niece or nephew. Every time she would go to Emani house she would come back home talking about the kids and how she wants a family. For Sky not to tell me that his baby mother and kids died was insane. Sky would tell me when Emani and Fancy got into it, but she wouldn’t tell me his kids died. This shit is crazy and I’m going to get to the bottom of this.

  “Damn what happen to them?”

  “Somebody set the house on fire.”

  “Was it intentionally set on fire or was it a mistake.”

  “The fire fighter that did the investigation said it was started intentionally. Whoever did this was inside the house with them. The investigator also said the fire started from the inside of the house. The neighbor told the police when the fire broke out, she heard somebody running through the woods while she was looking out her window. The police asked the lady could she identify the person, but she said it was too dark.

  “Damn that’s fucked up, if you need anything don’t hesitate to hit me up and please keep me updated about the funeral.”

  “Alright, fancy mother making the funeral arrangements. Give me your number for I could keep you updated.”

  “Alright.” JC locked my number in his phone then he left. I pumped my gas when I was done, I sat in my car trying to take all this shit in JC just told me. This shit was crazy and I’m going to say it again something not adding up.



  “Ma, I need to borrow some more money.”

  “Bishop me and your father can’t keep loaning you money every time you ask. You still haven’t paid us back from the last loan we gave you.”

  “I know ma but things at the church been kind of slow, but it should pick up soon. I have a couple of known gospel singers coming to preform the next couple of Sundays. The offering going to be looking sweet.”

  “How much you need Bishop.”


  “I don’t have that kind of money Bishop.”

  “Ma what happen to the money from the lawsuit and your retirement?”

  “We do have bills around here. What do you need with a $150,000 anyways?”

  “I need to do some major remodeling to the church, and I want to extend it wider for I can get more members.”

  “I don’t have a $150,000. I can give you something, but it won’t nowhere near $150,000.”

  “Whatever can help, and I promise to get it back to you soon,”

  “Umm hmm.”

  I sat and talked to my mother for a while. She told me that she was cooking Sunday dinner and she wanted me to come over. I don’t know was that a good idea because me and Saint always bump heads. We be ready to kill each other and honestly, I’m not in the mood for that. I got to much on my plate right now. I hate that me and my brothers be beefing, and I wish it would stop. I don’t know why it bother them so much that I change my life around. Don’t nobody know what I’m going thorough right now. Like I said before I turned to this church shit for a reason. Part of it was to save my soul the other part was to save my ass. every day I’m walking on pins and needles trying to figure shit out.

  I hate the fact that I have to watch my back, but I have no choice. I did this to myself now I have to deal with the consequences. I pulled up at home minutes later to grab my notes and bible for bible study tonight. When I walked up to my front door, I notice it was cracked. I immediately pulled my rugar off my hip. I push the door open with one hand while I kept my other hand on my gun. I pushed the door open slowly then made my way inside. I search my house from top to bottom, but I didn’t find nobody. Everything was still in place how I left it. The only question I have is why, my door was crack open. I make sure my house is locked up every day and I know I’m not tripping. After I was done searching my house, I grabbed my bible and notes off my desk then made my way towards the door. Click! I heard the sound of a gun then cold metal press against the back of my head.

  “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t blow your brains all over this motherfucking room.”

  “Because I am a child of the highest.”

  “Wham! Nigga don’t give me that T.D. Jakes ass bull shit. Was you the man of the highest when you were sleeping with my wife?”

  “Who is your wife. I can insure I haven’t slept with your wife.”

  “Shut the fuck up lying you fake ass pastor!” Wham! He struck me in back of my head causing me to stumble. One thing about me I wasn’t no pussy and this person was about to find out real fast. I turned around to face him when I realize it was my assistant husband I was surprised. I punch that nigga so hard in face that he dropped his gun. I picked the gun up and began to pistol whipping his ass.

  “Don’t you.” Wham! “Ever in your fucking life.” Wham! “pull a gun on me.” Wham! “You better check my motherfucking police record nigga.” That quick the savage that was sleeping inside me had awaken. I continuously beat the fuck out of Maurice until I was ready to stop. I didn’t care how much pleaded for his life.

  “Now get your simple-minded ass out my house. Coming to me about some pu
ssy I haven’t even fucked.” I said right before I stumped him in his face. “Nigga I know you hear me get the fuck out.” I reach down to drag the nigga out only to realize he wasn’t breathing. I checked his pulse and he didn’t have one.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I shouted.

  I swear no matter how much good I try to do bad always come my way. I couldn’t believe I just committed a murder. I haven’t killed nobody in a long time, and I wasn’t planning on it. I wasn’t going to jail for this shit. I could’ve called the police and said someone broke into my house but there wasn’t no sign of forced entry, so that would make it look bad. I could tell them it was self-defense that’s might work but I doubt it especially after they see how I beat this man to jelly. Then I have to think about them talking to my assistant. What if she knew her husband was coming to confront me, that will make things look even worse. I dragged Maurice body downstairs to my basement and left him there until I decided what to do with him. I went upstairs and took me a hot shower then made my way to bible study. I had to do my daily routine just in case the police come questioning me. I know its only a matter of time before Maurice family or his wife file a missing person report. When shit hit the fan, I want to make sure I have my alibi.



  “Y’all questioning me like I’m the fucking suspect in this case.” I said to the two detectives that were interrogating me. They had pulled up on me soon as I got home from the mall.

  “Are you? I’m going to ask you again. When is the last time you saw Fancy Simmons?”

  “The day she died.”

  “Did you and her have any altercations?”


  “Why would somebody want to kill you’re the mother of your children and your kids.”

  “Your guess is as good as mine. You the detective figure that shit out Matlock.”

  One of the detectives smacked the table “Listen here you smart little shit!”

  “I got this.” The other detective said. “Look here son we trying to help you out. if you know any information you need to tell us.”

  “I told you I don’t know shit.”

  “Your baby mama and kids died in a fire, your girlfriend come up missing the same night, and you don’t know nothing? That’s not a good look.”

  “I told you I don’t know nothing at all.”

  “Did you and Emani have an argument that day over Fancy? I heard you and Emani argue all the time over Fancy. Did you kill her because Emani was going to leave you or did you kill Fancy because she was going to leave you?”

  “I won’t answer no more question until I talk to my lawyer.”

  “That’s your best bet you going to need one.” I stood up from the table than walked towards the door.

  “Jason don’t skip town we will be in touch.”

  I walked out the door without replying. I couldn’t believe that they were accusing me of this. Me and Fancy had our ups and down, but I would never hurt her or my kids. My kids are my world, and I would do whatever for them. I would’ve saved their life or died trying. Fancy hated the fact that I was with Emani and Emani hated the fact that I was with fancy. When I met Emani me and Fancy were broken up. I had no plans on being with Emani she was just something to do to keep my mind off Fancy. As I got to know Emani I caught feeling for her. Every day them feelings grew deeper. The more time we spent together the more I loved her. Emani was different form Fancy. She was classy, sexy, bougie and was on her grown woman shit. Fancy on the other hand was ghetto bougie, ratchet, and rowdy. Fancy was also freaky as fuck and that drove me crazy.

  I wanted to be with Emani, but my heart was with Fancy. It was something about Fancy that I couldn’t shake. Although, Fancy wasn’t all that cute she had a good heart. I hated the fact that I hurt both of them. I tried to be with Fancy but every time I tried to leave Emani would act crazy as hell. Then she would throw her daughter Zaya in my face. Although Emani daughter wasn’t mine, I treated her like she was. As time went on, I said fuck it and kept fucking both of them. I wanted my cake and eat it to, and I must say that shit taste good. I felt bad for what I was doing but to be honest with you it wasn’t my fault. I tried numerous of time to leave Emani. She begged not to leave. I even told her I didn’t want to be with her, but she insisted. Don’t get me wrong I love Emani, but she deserved better. I knew in my heart I wasn’t going to leave Fancy that’s why I didn’t want to drag Emani feelings along.

  I tried to tell Emani I didn’t want no relationship with her, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Emani would get so mad that she would pop up at Fancy house, burst out her windows, flat her tires, throw bricks in her window. I can’t even tell you how many times she threating to kill me and Fancy. Emani might be classy but she had some hood in her ass also. I wouldn’t be surprise is she the one killed Fancy.

  “Shit!” Then it dawned on me. Emani is the one that did this. I can’t lie a nigga got sick to the stomach when I thought about this shit. I had to pull to the side if the road to digest this. Now it all making sense. Emani is hiding out for she won’t get caught. Sky Said Emani got pulled over by the police that same night. Did Emani really get pulled over or Is Sky trying to cover for her. Is Sky really hiding Emani at her house? I have so many questions in my head that I couldn’t gather them quick enough. I was praying that Emani didn’t kill my kids because if she did, I’m going to murder her ass. She took my babies away from me for her own selfish reason. I’m praying like hell Emani didn’t do this, but I know deep in my heart she did.



  I sat in Magic City strip club enjoying the lap dance I was getting from a stripper name Yummy. She was doing her thang and I was enjoying every minute of it. I wasn’t a big fan of strip clubs but when I did go, I make sure I have a good time. Strippers didn’t really entice me to the point my dick get hard. I love the entertainment more than anything. I love how they be doing tricks on the pole and making that ass jump, that shit is entertaining as fuck. Most men that come to the strip club can’t control themselves they be ready to pay just to fuck. A nigga like me isn’t giving up no money to fuck no woman. You either going to give me that pussy or you not. I got women throwing pussy at me left and right every day. So pussy is never an issue for me. Have I ever fucked a stripper? Hell yeah. Will I fuck another one? Hell yeah, but I’m not paying for shit that’s out the question. Yummy sat on my lap and began twerking on me.

  “You like that daddy?” She asks as she grinded on my dick.

  “Hell, yeah I do.”

  “Well come one lets go to the Magic room. What are you paying?”

  “I will pay your ass no attention. I don’t pay for pussy baby girl.”

  When I said that Yummy got up and gave me the middle finger.

  “Ahy you stupid for that.” Vince said laughing hard as hell but still enjoying his lap dance.

  “She got me fucked up if she thinks I’m about to pay for that’s pussy. What if her shit feel like the desert storm? Then I’m going to be mad as fuck I spent my money on that dry ass shit. Dick got carpet burns and skin missing because she as dry as prum. That’s like purchasing a house without looking at that it first. I need to go inside the house first to make sure it’s worth my money, you feel me. She might have refundable pussy I’m cool.”

  Vince was laughing so hard that he couldn’t catch his breath. I wasn’t trying to be funny I was just keeping it all the way one hunnit. Yummy better take her ass over there to thirsty section because I’m not paying for shit over this way. As a matter of fact, she should’ve been paying me for her lap dance.

  “I swear your ass crazy on gawd.”

  “Man, fuck her broke ass.”

  After Vince was done getting his lap dance, we went to the bar to take a couple of shots.

  “Here she goes,”

  “Who is that your girl?”

  “Yeah, she been blowing me up all damn day. She only acting like that because she knows I’m
at the strip club.”

  “You better answer her before she fucks Yo ass up.”

  Vince told me he would be back he was going outside to holler at his girl. I’m glad I don’t have women problems because that shit is a headache. Te’Asia get on my damn nerves. Every day she was on my ass like she was my probation officer. Don’t let me not answer her call she would act a fool all day over that shit. That shit use to zone me the fuck out. She acts like I have to answer my phone every time it rang. I could be in the bathroom shitting and miss her call she will swear I was with another woman. The crazy part is I wasn’t her man, but you would’ve thought I was.

  “Are you knowledge?” An unfamiliar voice said from behind me.

  “Who wants to know.” I said asked right before I took my shot to the face.

  “Nigga me.”

  I stood up and turned around to face who ever this me nigga was. It was some tall dark skin dude with two other dudes with him.

  “Do I know you?”

  “Nah but you got my name in your mouth like you do.”

  “First off lil homey. I will never have another man name in my mouth that’s some gay shit. You walked over here like you want some smoke.”

  “Maybe I do! it obvious you the one that want smoke. You the one keep mentioning my name.”

  “Nigga fuck you and your name pussy. I don’t even know you. you better take your hoe ass back to wherever you came from before you get issue.”

  “I’m going to tell you this one time and one time only. Keep my name out your mouth. Oh, and by the way I’m Tory motherfucker.” Wham! I hit his lame ass right in his mouth for being the pussy that he is. Don’t know grown ass man approach another grown man on no weak shit like that. This shit wasn’t over me having his name in mouth, although I didn’t. This was over Te’Asia ass. I would never fight over no woman, but Tory deserve his ass beat. I don’t give a fuck how many niggas he had with him. You disrespect me you getting beat the fuck up in front of whoever.