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Violating The Love Of A Savage Page 5

  “Ma, you don’t even like Sky. What you up to?”

  “Nothing son. You can’t go in the women bathroom anyways. Plus, I have to use the restroom.”

  “Alright but don’t be in there torturing my woman ma.”

  “Oh, I want trust me.” My mother gave an evil grin than went to use the restroom. Me and Knowledge shook our head.



  “Why do we have to go through this every time we talk Quez?

  “Because you keep playing me like I’m a lame out here.”

  “How? I didn’t do shit.”

  “That’s what your mouth says. You must think I’m some type of fool Sky. What I tell you about playing with me? huh?”

  “I’m not playing with you Quez. I keep telling you over and over again I’m not messing with nobody but you.”

  “How have you been giving me all this money than? I know your not making this much money working in a nursing home doing laundry.”

  “I work doubles. Look I have to go my manager calling me. I love you baby.”

  “Whatever, I love you to.” I disconnected the call and dropped my phone in my Michael Kor bag.

  Quez was really getting on my damn nerves with this insecure shit. He expects me to be faithful while he in jail serving a twenty year to life sentence. I wanted to tell him the truth about Saint, but I couldn’t. I knew how much that would hurt him and he already going through enough. At one point I had faith that Quez was getting out but not anymore. Its been two years and he still in the same predicament. I love Quez with all my heart, but I also love Saint.

  “You love who?” Mrs. Elise questioned soon as I walked out the bathroom stall. She was standing there with her arms folded across her chest and her face frowned.

  “I I was talking to my God daughter.” I stuttered over my words.

  “What type of fool do you think I am. Why would you lie to your God daughter like your manager coming? that sounds fishy to me. I wonder what Saint would think about this.”

  “Look you need to stay the fuck out of me and Saint business.”

  “Or what?” Mrs. Elise step closer to my face for she could face me.

  “Or I will make you regret it.”

  “I don’t take threats lightly Skylar but I’m going to let you slide tonight. Only because I don’t want to get blood on my expensive white dress.” Mrs. Elise move closer to me than whispered in my ear “If I find out you’re cheating on my son after he took your gold-digging ass in! I’m going snap your neck into three places. I promise you that Ms. Skylar.” Mrs. Elise smile than walked in the stall to use the restroom.

  I swear I couldn’t stand that bitch. She had it out for me since the day she met me. Every chance she gets she was picking with me. I was getting tired of that shit. It was only a matter of time before I smack her old ass. The only reason I haven’t got up in that ass is because of Saint. I know how much he loves his mother and he would kill me if I raised my hands at her. I know one thing she have one more time to threating me and I’m going to forget she my mother in law. I took a deep breath and gave myself a prep talk before I made my way out the restroom.

  “Damn I thought your ass drowned in the toilet.” Saint joked soon as I walked up.

  “I was using the restroom and beautifying myself for my man.” I glanced over at Mrs. Elise and she rolled her eyes. “What’s up Knowledge.”

  “What’s good sis.” Knowledge stood up to greet me with a hug.

  “That’s isn’t your damn sister.” Mrs. Elise stated.

  “Ma chill. That’s not even called for” Saint replied.

  “Saint right baby. this isn’t the time or place.” His Pop’s implied.

  “I’m going to get me a drink for I act a fool in here.” Mrs. Elise said as she got up from her seat. I was smiling on the inside. I was glad her old ass left. She is a fucking vibe killer, and I can’t stand her ass.

  “Did you and my mother have words in the restroom or something?”

  “No, why you asked that?”

  “Because my mother whole demeanor changed when she came back to the table.”

  “Her demeanor always changes when she sees me.”

  “You got a point I can’t argue with that one.”

  I enjoyed the rest of the night with Saint and his family. The whole night Saint mother rolled her eyes and made all type of facial expressions at me. Elise was to damn old to be acting the way she way, but I was used to it.



  Te’ Asia been blowing me up since we had that argument at her house. She wanted to be with me so bad, but I wasn’t on it. I’m big on loyalty and Te’Asia can’t give me that she proved that to me already. Don’t get me wrong I would’ve love to be with Te’Asia but once you cross me it’s over. I wasn’t mad at the fact she slept with somebody else because we weren’t together anyway. I was mad because she lied about it. All she had to do was keep that shit all the way gutta with me from jump. I still would’ve been fucking her like I always do, I just wouldn’t wife her. I never been the type of man to chase pussy and I wasn’t about to start. If it was my wife that will be a different story.

  I was done with Te’Asia at least for now, If I decide to talk to her it will be on my time not hers. I blocked Te’Asia number because she been blowing me up since this morning and the shit is getting aggravating. After I blocked Asia, I continue to enjoy the rest of my day. I pulled up to my mother house to check on her. After I made sure she was good I went to the warehouse to meet up with Saint. I was still in the process of finding out who stole the product the other day. I was going to find out one way or another. Who ever done this must pay for their actions.

  When Saint get a hold of whoever did it, he won’t have no mercy for his soul. I pulled up to the warehouse and Saint was standing outside talking to Vince. Vince was one of the workers, he been rocking with us for a long time. He was the only one on the team I trusted besides my brother. When them packages came up missing Vince was the last person to cross my mind. I’m not saying that Vince is innocent in the situation because I don’t put shit past no nigga at all. They are all guilty until proving innocent if you asked me. The two niggas I killed at the meeting I knew it wasn’t them, but I had to make an example out of their ass. All I was doing was calling the niggas bluff that did it. I waited patiently while Vince and Saint talked. When they were done, I dab Vince up than me and Saint went into his office.

  “Any word on who took my shit?” Saint asked.

  “No, not at all. I’m still in the process of finding out who did it though. When I do find out you will be the first to know.”

  “I’m killing that nigga with no fucking question asked but before I off his ass he going to feel my pain.”

  “I’m with you brother all the way. Ahy did you see that fine ass nurse at mama house?” I asked changing the subject.

  “You talking about Kareema.”

  “Yeah that’s her, she fine than motherfucker.”

  “She was flirting with a nigga forreal, but I wasn’t on that shit. You know how Sky is.”

  “Man, fuck that! I would’ve had to beat that pussy up one good time. She fine as hell I will wife her lil thick ass.”

  “She is fine as fuck. When I first saw her a nigga started drooling.”

  “Me to. I was ready to pay for that pussy and I never paid for pussy a day in my life.” We both burst out laughing.

  “I don’t care he fine she is, I’m not paying for no pussy.” I burst out laughing.

  We talked and joke for a couple more minutes than we got down to business. We grabbed all four of the suitcases that was filled with cash then made our way to our private airplane. We were on our way to check out some new products in Miami, Florida. One of our cousins had hit a lick on some Mexicans. They were selling pounds and bricks for half the price. We weren’t about to turn that down especially after the lost we took. I just hope that the product isn’t no bull shit because a
ll product isn’t good product.



  It been days and I still haven’t heard anything from Emani. I been blowing her phone up but I’m still getting her voicemail. I went to her mother house and she still haven’t heard anything either. Emani mother told me she was taking out a missing person report if she didn’t hear anything by tonight. This wasn’t like Emani at all now I’m really starting to get worried. I left Ms. Cora house, then made my way to Emani house. I knew she wasn’t going to be there, but it was worth a try. The entire way to Emani house I was nervous as hell. I didn’t know what to expect when I got there. What if she was in the house dead? I thought myself. All type of crazy thoughts swept through my mind. Minutes later I pulled up to Emani house. I check my purse for Emani spare key, but I forgot it was in my other purse.

  “Fuck!” I said to myself.

  I walked around to the back of the house than climb through the window for I could get in. When I was in, I started searching around for some clues. I didn’t know what clues I was searching for, but anything would help at this time. Maybe Emani have been home and something happened to her afterwards. I don’t understand how Emani got taking by the police, but they can’t find her name in the system. Something wasn’t right and I could feel it in my soul. I search around downstairs for a while then I made my way upstairs. On the way upstairs I heard a loud boom.

  “What the fuck was that?” I said to myself.

  I reached in my back pocket and grabbed my gun. I walked slowly up the stairs and stood in front of Emani room door. Emani bedroom door was close and I had a funny feeling somebody else was on the other side of that door. I turn the door knob slowly than push the door open quickly still aiming my gun. Only to find myself staring down the barrel of a gun. My heart was beating fast and I was seconds away from pulling the trigger until I realize who the person was.

  “You scared the shit out of me JC what the hell are you doing here?”

  “I live here did you forget.” JC said standing there in nothing, but his towel wrapped around his waist. I could tell that he had just got out the shower from the water specs that was on his body.

  “Last time I checked you was moving out.”

  “Well, I had a change a heart.”

  “Umm hmm you can get that gun out my face now.” JC laid the gun on the dresser.

  “What are you doing here? And where your friend at? I been calling her for days now.”

  “Me to but it keeps going to voicemail.”

  “I been trying to call her to tell her the bad news. When I need her the most she’s never here and she wonder why I cheat.”

  “What you expect JC? You constantly cheating and lying to her.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what I do to Emani! I’m damn good to her. I never went this long without speaking to her. For her not to answer my call got me feeling some type of way. Not only that I got to bury my kids and they mother. Do you know how the fuck I feel right now! Do you?” JC start knocking stuff off the dresser and nightstand I was terrified. “I can’t fucking take this shit man!” JC punched a whole in the wall. “What type of motherfucker would kill a mother and her two babies. They could’ve at least let the kids live but instead they took my babies away from me. I swear to God when I found out who did this, I’m going to kill their ass and that’s on my kid’s life.”

  “It will be okay JC.”

  “Bitch fuck you! what you mean it will be okay. You think I will be okay after somebody started a fire intentionally to kill my kids and their mother. I will never be okay this will forever haunt me. I lost my kids, my baby mama, now I don’t know where the hell my girl at. This shit is crazy as fuck.” JC sat on the edge of the bed and dropped his head. Tears was flowing down his face and his eyes were blood shot red.

  I wanted to cuss his ass out for calling me a bitch. The only reason I didn’t because this was my fault just as well as Emani. Although I didn’t know any kids were in the house it was to late to take shit back. The kids were dead now and there was nothing that we could do about it. I walked over to JC and rubbed his back to comfort him, that was the least I could do.

  “I pray that God comfort you.”

  JC looked up at me then stood up to face me “I don’t need your prayers Sky.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss, I’m really am.” I laid my head on JC chest and began crying. My conscious was getting the best of me. I felt bad for what happened to his kids, that should’ve never went down. Although JC didn’t care for me, he wrapped his arms around me while I cried. JC knew how much I loved his kids they use to always call me auntie when they would be over Emani house. I can imagine their little cute round faces right now. “I’m sorry for crying on you.” I lift my head off JC chest then he wiped the tears away from my eyes.

  JC lifted my chin up “I know we don’t see eye to eye, but we got to be strong right now. This shit so hard for me though.” JC began breaking down again. The way he was crying I wouldn’t be surprise if he has a nervous breakdown.

  When JC finally calmed down, he asked me when the last time I saw Emani. I told him a couple of nights ago. I also told him that the police pulled her over while we were on the phone together. He asked me did I call county to see was she locked up I told him yeah. JC began to worry even more because he knew this wasn’t like Emani not call someone. Me and JC talked for a little while longer then I left. I was supposed to go see Quez today, but I wasn’t in the mood to hear his shit. I already had to much stress on me and he wasn’t going to do nothing but stress me out even more. So, instead I went home for I could take me a hot shower and relax.



  I was still pissed off about someone stealing my product. Although we didn’t take a big lost it was big enough, for me it’s the principle behind shit. How are you going to bite the hand that feed you? The hand that feed you good at that. I couldn’t believe that one of them would steal from me after all I do for they ass. My whole team eating good and don’t have to want for nothing. I hate a disloyal ass people that shit drive me crazy. I never been the type of man to steal from anyone, that wasn’t in my character. I call men like that weak ass pussies. Any man that have to steal from the next man to make ends meet is weak to me. It’s a million hustles out here and a motherfucker would rather steal from Saint Pain.

  I would’ve respected the person more if he would’ve asked me for some money. Nine times out of ten, I would’ve given it to him but instead he did some hoe ass shit. Once you steal from me you signed your own death certificate. I know who ever it got to be on pins and needles because they know for I fact once I find out who did it, they ass is grass. Once you cross me it’s fuck you and your life. There is nothing in this world that could stop me from doing what I’m going to do to him.

  It’s not one person walking this earth that can say they stolen or disrespected Saint Pain and they lived to tell it. After me and Knowledge came back from Florida, we dropped the products off at the warehouse. I was tired as hell and I couldn’t wait to lay under Skylar sexy ass. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t wait to make love to her.

  I haven’t had sex with Sky in a couple of weeks because I been busy grinding. I feel bad for neglecting my woman needs but she understands. I text Sky and told her to be waiting for me in her birthday suit when I get there. I pulled up at home about twenty minutes later and went straight to my bedroom. Sky was lying there naked with her legs open like I demanded. I got undress and stood at the end of the bed. Sky crawled to me and began sucking my dick. The way she rolled her tongue around my dick right before she deep throated felt good as fuck. I watched as she made my dick disappear in and out of her mouth like she was a magician.

  “Aww fuck! Suck that dick.” I palmed the back of Sky head as I watch her please me.

  When Sky was done sucking me up, I told her to open them legs up for me. I licked my lips making them moist than began kissing all over Sky body. I took her hard nipple into my mout
h a couple of times. When I was done, I kissed all over Sky fat shave pussy. I dragged my tongue to the slit of her pussy. I licked up and down until I felt her clitoris swell up. Once her clit was hard and stiff how I like it I began to suck on it gently. I ease my index finger into Sky pussy, and it was dripping wet just how I like it. I was sucking and fingering her at the same time.

  “Umm baby that shit feel good.” Sky caressed both of her juicy breast while she watches me devour her pussy.

  My tongue and finger switch places I was now tongue fucking Sky while my fingers rubbed her clit. I did this for a couple of minutes than went back to feasting on her pussy. Seconds later Sky body began to jerk letting me know she was ready to explode.

  “Ooh baby here it come baby, here it come.” Sky yelled to the top of her lungs.

  I suck that pussy at a steady speed letting her get all her juices out. When she was done cumin, I kept sucking on that pussy. Sky tried moving my head, but I kept going.

  “Baby stop! I can’t take it no more.” Sky legs close tightly on my head.

  “Okay baby I quit.” Once I finally stop Sky release her legs from around my head.

  “You almost broke a nigga neck.”

  “I said I couldn’t take it baby.” Sky chuckled

  I laid Sky one her back and push both of her legs behind her head. I glided my dick deep inside her than began beating that pussy like tomorrow wasn’t promise. Sky tried scooting back and pushing me away from her. I took both of her hands and pin them behind them down.

  “Stop trying to get away from this dick and take this shit.”

  I dived balls deep inside of Sky making sure I hit every organ inside of her. I was so deep inside of Sky I could’ve sworn I felt her heartbeat. After beating that shit up for a while, I finally release my seeds inside of her. Next thing I knew we were passed out.