Violating The Love Of A Savage Read online

Page 4

  My father was sitting there with a smirk on his face. I knew my father was happy I said the shit I said. The family be acting scared to stand up to bishop but not me. I don’t give a fuck how crazy he thinks he is I’m still his big brother. To be honest, I hate beefing with my family because I’m not that type of person. I will kill for my family and that’s on my life. Family mean everything to me, and it always will. In my eye’s family is supposed to love one another, be loyal to each other, have each other back, stick together, and most importantly support each other. Family should never judge or be disloyal to one another that’s how I see it but unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. I just can’t deal with a person that down talk the next man. Bishop act like he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. This shit wasn’t giving to us, we had to get it out the mud. What make me mad is Bishop know the struggle just like we all do but he still thinks he better than us. I glanced at my watch to see what time it was it was 1:05 p.m. The nurse supposed to been here at 1 p.m.

  “I wonder where the hell she at I thought to myself?” soon as I said that there was a knock at the door. “About fucking time.” I said under my breath.

  “Who is it?”

  “Nurse Kareema from the nursing agency.” I open the door “Hi my name is Kareema and I’m with the Helping hands nursing agency is Mrs. Elise Pain here?”

  “Damn she fine as hell.” I thought to myself. I was so stunned by how fine she was I couldn’t even answer her question.

  “Umm hello is Mrs. Elise Pain here sir?” She repeated.

  “Oh, my bad. Yes, she here come in.” Kareema step in shutting the door behind her. “Give me a second I’m about to go get her.”


  I went upstairs to let my mother know the nurse was here than made my way back downstairs.

  “How long you been working for the agency?” I asked.

  “About three years going on four.”

  “You like it?”

  “I don’t like it I love it. Who are you again? I’m curious.”

  “Where is my manners.” We both laughed “Let me introduce myself. My name Saint Pain and I’m Elise oldest son. I’m the one who called the agency to get her a nurse.”

  “Nice to meet you Saint.” Kareema extended her arm out for I could shake her hand. I shook her hand and continued with my questions.

  “How many people do you take care of through the agency?”

  “Right now, I only have three patients. The reason for that is because I work graveyard shift at the hospital.”

  “Do you smoke, drink, or pop pills? Will you care for my mother as if she yours?”

  “No and yes.” Kareema giggled.

  “What’s funny?”

  “Nothing I just think your concern for your mother is cute that’s all. I wish I had somebody to care about me like that.” She smiled.

  If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought Kareema was flirting with me. I mean I am a fine motherfucker though what woman won’t flirt with me. I’m brown skin, I stand 6’2 muscular built, my entire upper body is tatted. I rock a low hair cut that have more waves then the ocean and my swag game is live. I’m not trying to boast or anything like that but I must say I’m one fine ass nigga.

  “Thank you. All I need you to do is make sure my mother is taking her medicine that’s it. Please don’t try to boss my mother around either or it’s going to be some problems.”

  “I love problems, but you don’t have to worry about that. I respect my elders at all time.”

  “You better respect your elders because I’m the wrong elder to disrespect.” My mother said out of nowhere barging into our conversation.

  “You must be Mrs. Pain.”

  “The one and only, the queen of thorn baby, and the one that give orders in this house. Now what’s your name sweetie?”

  I shook my head because my mother didn’t bite her tongue for shit. The girl hasn’t been here ten minutes and she already showing her true colors.”

  “I’m nurse Kareema.”

  My mother looked her up and down “You cute or whatever.”

  “Thank you.” Kareema smiled.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Me, my mother and Kareema talked for a couple of minutes. We signed some paperwork and my mother asked some questions. Once we were done, I left for I could handle my business back at the warehouse



  Since the situation happened with Emani I been on pins and needles. Every five minutes I’m looking out the window on some paranoid stuff. It’s not even three in the afternoon yet and I already downed a whole bottle of Moet from worrying. I been calling Emani since the police pulled her over, but her phone keeps going to voicemail. I called the jail and they told me they didn’t have an Emani Jones in the system. I even called Emani mother and she said she haven’t heard from her. That was weird she hasn’t called her mom, especially knowing she got her daughter Zaya.

  Something wasn’t right and I needed to know what the hell was going on. Although, I was mad at Emani I still was concern about her in the same sense, I needed some answers now. I had so many scenarios going through my head of what could have happened. Maybe the police beat her and killed her, Maybe the police kidnapped her, Maybe the people that pulled her over were sex traffickers, maybe someone saw us leave the scene and told.

  I was wrecking my brain trying to figure this shit out. I tried calling Emani phone one more time, once again I didn’t have any luck. I wanted to call her boyfriend JC to see have he heard anything, but he doesn’t care for me. I start feeling restless and dizzy out of nowhere. All the overthinking, worrying, and drinking had finally caught up to me. I laid down on the couch, prop my feet up, and turned on the tv. After flicking through all the channels nothing good was on to watch.

  “All this damn money we pay for cable and you mean to tell me isn’t shit on tv.” I said out loud. I threw the remote on the table that sat in the center of our living room floor and stared at ceiling.

  My phone rang disturbing my peace. I jumped up quickly praying it was Emani, but it wasn’t.


  “You have a collect call from an inmate at United State Penitentiary of Atlanta, too accept press one or hang up now.

  I pressed one than the call came through.

  “Hey baby.

  “Don’t fucking hey baby me! why haven’t you been down here to see me?”

  “I been busy.”

  “To busy to see your man? see that’s the shit that’s going to get you fucked up Skylar. Don’t think because I’m behind these metal bars I can’t get you touch. Did you do what I asked you to do?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  “When you coming to see me?”

  “I will try to make it sometime next week.”

  “Man, fuck a next week. You better have your ass up here before the end of the week or else.”

  I rolled my eyes “Okay baby I will be there.”

  “What nigga are you fucking?”

  “Why do you ask me that every time you call me Quez?”

  “Because you change. You don’t come see me like you use to and not to mention you barely answer my calls.”

  “I told you I be working a lot.”

  “That’s what you better be doing.”

  “it is.”

  “Yeah alright, I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  I talked to Quez until his time ran out than we hung up. Quez is my first love, my everything, and I love him to death we been rocking seven years off and on. Two years ago, Quez was charged with a crime that he didn’t commit. Him and a couple of his boys had pulled up on some dudes in East lake meadows for trying to rob Quez little brother. One of the guys they pulled up on open fire causing them to get into a shoot-out. From my understanding Quez didn’t pull the trigger someone else did but Quez is the only one doing time for it. The court don’t have no evidenc
e, only word of mouth. Quez lawyer feel that the case is a mistrial, and he is trying to take it back to court for retrial.

  They sentence him to twenty- five-years in prison. After Quez was sentence I didn’t know how I was going to live without him. He took care of me and gave me everything, I didn’t have to want for nothing. I had a nice car, name brand clothes, and a luxury house we shared together. Soon as Quez got locked up somebody robbed him blind. They took everything Quez had leaving me with nothing. I had a couple of thousands in the bank but that wasn’t going to last long. I had to do something quick before I end up working at a low paying job or holding a sign up asking for change. That’s when I met Saint sexy ass. I wasn’t expecting to catch feelings for Saint. My goal was to get as much money as I could from him than be on my merry way, unfortunately it didn’t happen like that. Saint wasn’t easy to get money out of and he didn’t trust easily either.

  Once I got to know Saint and saw what type of man, he was I fell head over heels for him. Saint wasn’t your ordinary guy; he was totally different. His demeanor along will have woman throwing pussy at him. He was a savage, but he also was a gentleman. If Saint knew I was talking to Quez behind his back and sending him money his money he would kill me. One thing saint hate is a disloyal person. I pray that Saint never finds out the truth because if he does my ass is grass.

  “Breaking News Today police are still looking for a suspect who started a fire late last night. The police were called to the hundred block of Howell Drive in Adamsville, Ga. Fancy Simmons and her two children, three-year-old Samiya Simmons and four-year-old Jason Simmons were all found dead. Both children were found dead under the bed. This have been a sad day in the neighborhood for the Adamsville community. If you have any information about this, please call 404-577-Tips or contact Atlanta police department in zone 4.”

  My mouth was wide open, and tears were flowing down my face. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. When I heard there were two children in the house my heart stop beating in my chest. How could Emani be so careless and not check the house. My nerves were bad, and I couldn’t stop pacing the floor. We didn’t just take one life we took three including two kids. The more I thought about it the sicker I got to my stomach. I grab my stomach, ran to the bathroom, and started vomiting everywhere. I couldn’t believe that Emani committed murder and I was a part of it. I’m mad at myself for even getting involve in this shit. I wish this was all a dream because this is too much to tolerate. I can’t even imagine how JC is feeling right now.



  “Pastor Pain two people are here to see you.” My secretary Alana said as she stood in front of my desk.

  “Who are they?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine, I never saw them before.”

  I turned on my cameras to take a peek “Damn!”

  “Excuse me sir.”

  “Nothing. Did you tell them I was in the office?”

  “No, I told them that I have to check.”

  “Okay tell them that I want be in for a couple days.”

  “Yes sir.” Alana replied then walked out my office.

  I watched her on the cameras as she made her way down the halls into the lobby where the two men were standing.

  “Sir, Pastor Pain isn’t in right now will you like to leave a message for him?” I heard Alana asked through the speakers on the cameras.

  “Tell that motherfucker if we don’t hear from him soon, he going to feel my wrath and that’s on my life.” After the man said what he said the two-gentleman walked away.

  I didn’t recognize these two men, but I had a good feeling why they were here. I knew it was only a matter of time before my past catches up with me. That’s why I tried to turn my life around and stay out of harms way. When you do grimy stuff to other people it catches up to you. I believe in karma and I believe in what goes around comes around. I couldn’t possibly believe that I could get away with this and no one would come looking for me. I knew this day would come sooner or later; I just didn’t know how soon. I been praying and repenting asking God to forgive for all my sins.

  I have done some cruel things to people and people have done some cruel things to me. Do I regret the life I lived? no Do I missed the life I lived? yes. Every day I’m battling my demons. So many times, I wanted to go back to the street life, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to live that life anymore I was tired of the bull that came with it. Plus, that life is the reason I’m in the predicament I’m in now. I wanted to try some different in life, something new. I don’t want to be stuck selling drugs all my life like my brothers Saint and Knowledge. I be trying to tell them to get out the game, but they don’t be hearing me. It’s a reason why I got out the street life, a damn good reason at that. I didn’t tell nobody the reason because it was between me and that person. I knew that my situation could cause a lot of Chaos.

  This was a dumb ass decision I made as a man, now I’m paying for it possibly with my life. Every day I feel like I’m being watched or followed. For that reason, I stay strapped up, the savage in me sleep not dead. Saint and Knowledge think I got out the game and changed up that’s not the case at all. I got out and change who I was because I know it was only a matter of time before my past come back to haunt me. If I never did what I did, I would still be in the game. I miss it to be honest. Fast money, drugs, and strippers that was the life I lived. This pastor shit was just a cover up at first, but I have grown to like it. All I do is give a good word, anoint people head with holy oil, and collect their money. This life is way safer than the street life.

  “Pastor Pain the two gentlemen are gone. they told me to tell you-”

  “I already know what they said I heard it on the camera Alana.” I said cutting her off.

  “Oh ok. Is there anything I can get for you?”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  “Okay if you need me, I will be in my office.”


  I worked on my lecture for next Sunday. When I was done, I left. For the last couple of Sundays, I haven’t been preaching. I hired another pastor to preach. I told the members of the church I been sickly lately. That was my excuse because I didn’t want to preach.



  Tonight, we were celebrating my Uncle Jerry all white retirement party at some club I never heard of. I didn’t want to go honestly because I wasn’t a club type of guy, I hated that type of scenery. If it wasn’t for my mother begging me to go, I would’ve stayed my black ass at home. I scanned through my walk-in three-story closet trying to find something all white to wear. I had so many damn clothes with the tags still on it I could open my own store.

  I decided to wear my all white Givenchy dress pants with the shirt to match and of course some all-white shoes. I put on my gold jewelry, my vintage gold and wood cartier glasses to bring my white out even more. I sprayed on my Jimmy Choo cologne and brush my waves one last time. I observe myself in the mirror to make sure I look decent. I must say my mother made one fine ass son. I walked in the room to see was Sky ready and she looked as good as me dressed in her all white dress she had purchase from fashion nova. Sky was one sexy ass woman and I was grateful to have her in my life. Lately, I haven’t been spending time with Sky because I been having a lot going on. I’m happy we can finally spend some time together tonight.

  “You look nice baby.” I told Sky.

  “You don’t look to bad yourself.” She smiled. Sky sprayed on her Chanel perfume and glanced at herself in the mirror one more time. When she was done, we left to go celebrate.

  We arrived at the club twenty minutes later. I got out the car open the door for Sky than made our way inside. We scanned around the room for my uncle. When we spotted him, we walked over to where he was standing.

  “What’s going on Unc.”

  “Saint my boy! I’m glad you came nephew.” My uncle said with a big smile on his face. How are you doing Sky?”

  “I’m good Uncle Jerry.�

  “That’s good to hear. Well I’m going to go over here to get my mac on I see a couple of fine honeys up in here.”

  Sky burst out laughing and I shook my head. All my uncle thought about was pussy and he got plenty of it. Although, my uncle was older he didn’t look it and he didn’t dress like it either. His swag was something nasty and he stayed in nice luxury cars. My uncle worked for the city of Atlanta for years and he was well known. He knew all type of lawyers, judges, and police officers. When we use to get in trouble when we were younger my Uncle would always get us out of the situation.

  “Baby I’m going to run to the restroom.” Sky stated.”

  “Alright. I will get us some drinks.”


  I order us a couple of drinks than took a seat at the table with Knowledge, my parents, and some of our family members. We were having good time laughing and politicking until Bishop walked his punk ass through the door. I couldn’t stand being around a fraudulent ass nigga that shit made my fucking blood boil. I wanted to beat the fuck out of him just because.

  “Be cool bruh.” Knowledge whispered. If didn’t nobody know how I feel Knowledge did.

  “Man fuck that nigga. Long as he doesn’t say shit to me, I’m good.”

  Bishop walked up and spoke to everybody but me. I didn’t give two flying fucks that he didn’t speak. I didn’t have shit to say to him and, he damn sure didn’t have shit to say to me. Bishop best bet was to keep it pushing.

  “Where Sky at?” Knowledge asked.

  “She said she was going to the restroom, but she been gone for a while now. Let me go check on her to make sure she good.”

  “I will do it.” My said jumping in our conversation.