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Violating The Love Of A Savage Page 3
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Page 3
“What’s up bruh I got your text saying it was an emergency. Is everything good?” I ask soon as I walked into Saint office.
Saint was leaning back in his chair with his hands together. I could tell that something had pissed him off from how red his eyes is. When Saint would get mad his eyes would turn blood shot red and his nostrils would flare up.
“I had a shipment for forty kilos of cocaine coming in today. Ten kilos were missing out the shipment when it got counted.”
“What! Oh, hell nah I’m about to kill one of these niggas. did you check the cameras?”
“Yeah but for some reason the camera went out around the time the shipment came in, I think somebody tampered with them.”
“Who counted the packages?”
“I don’t know.”
“Who gave you the count?”
My blood was boiling, and I could feel steam blowing out of my ears. You got to be a brave motherfucker to steal from the Pain brothers, especially from Saint. Saint might seem like a quiet laid back, type of guy but that nigga loco. Saint will most definitely make you feel his pain. It’s three things saint hates that’s liars, disloyalty, and thieves.
“What you want me to do about it?”
“I want you to call a team meeting asap. Somebody going to pay for this with their life. I guess I’m going to have to make an example out of one of these pussy ass niggas.” Saint grabbed his bottle of d’usse off the desk and took a big gulp. “I’m going to make who ever did this feel my pain. When you get to the bottom of it bring whoever it is to me. Until than make a prime example out of one of them motherfuckers.”
“I got you bruh for sure.”
I made my way out the office to my car. I was mad as fuck about this situation. I feel like a part of this was my fault because I’m always here when shipment come in. Instead I was arguing with Te’Asia ass. Now I got to play detectives all because somebody can’t keep their dick beaters to themselves. I can’t wait to find out who did it because he going to regret it and that’s on his life.
I stood there distraught as I made my way over to Emani “What have you done?”
“I killed her.”
“Omg! We got to get out of here for somebody come.”
“Sky we can’t leave her here, we got to get rid of the evidence.”
“I’m not touching her dead ass!”
“You don’t have to. I have a gasoline can downstairs by the door. We can just set the house on fire.”
‘Are you crazy Emani? That will draw attention.”
“What else we going to do? We can’t remove her body because somebody might see us. The only thing we can do is set the house on fire.”
“I can’t believe you got me in this bull shit! I told you not to do this stupid shit now look.”
“I know but she deserves that shit.”
I paced the floor trying to think of different ways to get rid of this body. We had to think of something, and it had to be quick. I started to leave Emani ass here for she could handle it herself, but I couldn’t leave my sis hanging like that.
“Go get the gasoline can and make it quick.” I told Emani.
Emani ran downstairs than back upstairs quickly. She started pouring gasoline all over Fancy body and bedroom. Next, she made a gasoline trail from Fancy bedroom to the living room downstairs. When we got to the bottom of the stairs Emani lit a piece of paper and drop it into the gasoline trail. We started running towards the front door.
“Wait I don’t think it’s a good idea to go out the front door.” I told Emani.
“You’re right let’s go out the back.”
Me and Emani ran like hell out the back door through the woods, which would lead us to the bottom of Fancy street. Once we made it out the woods, we checked our surroundings to make sure no one was watching. When we saw it was clear we made our way to our cars like nothing happened. I pulled off and looked in my rearview mirror only to see Fancy house going up in flames. I couldn’t believe that Emani got me in the middle of this shit! in a way I wish I would’ve taken my ass home instead of trying to save Emani from making this stupid ass mistake. I was a nervous wreck and I didn’t know what to do with myself. Although, I didn’t commit the murder it felt like I did. Fancy blood is on my hands just as well as its on Emani. I wish this was a bad nightmare that I could wake up from but unfortunately, it’s not. I grabbed my phone off the passenger seat to see what time it was only to notice I had several missed calls from Saint.
“Fuck!” I shouted hitting the steering wheel. I know Saint is probably wondering why I didn’t answer none of his calls. Before I call Saint back, I had to make sure I had my story straight. I start thinking of all types of excuses I could tell him because I knew he was about to question me. “Think think Skylar.” I said to myself.
My phone rang throwing me out of my thoughts. I glanced at my phone it was Emani.
“What.” I answered with an attitude.
“Sky I know you mad at me and I apologize.”
“Umm hmm.”
“Do you accept my apology?”
“Why should I? if you listened, we wouldn’t be in this predicament.”
‘You act like I put a gun to your head and made you come Skylar.”
“That’s not the point Emani. You need to think before you react that’s your problem.”
“If it was Saint sleeping with somebody you will react the same way, if not worse. Say you want.”
“Emani this is not about me and Saint right now, this about you.”
“Skylar you always acting like you better than somebody. You better hope Saint don’t kill your ass when he finds out the skeletons you got hidden in your closet.”
“You know what Emani fuck you!”
“The truth hurt don’t it?”
I couldn’t believe that Emani was flipping everything on me like I did something wrong. I shouldn’t be surprise though this typical Emani this what she does. She can never take the fall for nothing she does. She always got to blame the next person or compare her situation to somebody else. We fell out a couple of times because of this. Then for her to say I got skeletons in my closet is hitting below the belt. That should’ve never come out her mouth I don’t care how mad she is. I will never bring dig up none of her dirt and throw in in her face because that’s not me.
“Yeah it does, and that’s why you cant take the blame for shit you do! you always been like that! If shit don’t go your way you blame the next person. Don’t you think you too old for that shit? at some point you have to grow the fuck up. for example, you just start comparing me and Saint to your problem. Saint don’t have shit to do with nothing. than on top of that you going to say I better hope Saint don’t kill my ass with all the skeletons I have in my closet, what did that have to do with anything? You say the truth hurt but at least I can handle the truth unlike your ass.” It felt good getting that off my chest. Emani needed to know the truth rather it hurt or not. I must have hit a nerve because Emani didn’t respond. “Hello? Hello?” I removed the phone away from my ear to make sure she was still on the line. When I saw that she was I put my ear back to the phone.
“Mam I need you to step out of your vehicle.” I heard an officer say on Emani end of the phone.
My heart was pounding fast, and it felt like it was about to burst out my chest.
“Is something wrong officer?” I heard Emani ask.
“Mam I need you to step out of the vehicle now!” The officer said aggressively.
“Okay I’m getting out.” I heard Emani reply. I could tell she was nervous by the way her voice was trembling. Seconds after Emani was told to step out the car her phone disconnected. What if they pulled Emani over because they know about the murder, what if she tells I was there? what if somebody saw us running away from the scene I had so many thoughts running through my mind. I wanted to call Emani phone back, but I was scared as hell. I didn’t kno
w did the officers confiscate her phone or not. I was in panic mode and the shit was driving me crazy. My night couldn’t get no worse than this. I pulled up at home minutes later and sat in the driveway. I was trying to pull myself together before I walk in the house.
“Where you been?” Saint ask soon as I walked in.
“At Emani house.”
“That give you a reason not to answer your phone?”
“I didn’t know you was calling me because I left my phone in the car. When I got to my phone, I tried calling you but before I could my battery went dead.”
“When do you ever leave your phone in the car Sky.” Saint walks over to me and stood in front of me “I’m going to tell you this one time only. The next time you do that shit we going to have a big problem. You understand me?”
I nodded my head yes.
“Why you smell like gasoline?”
“Umm when I was getting gas I accidently waste some on me.”
“Yeah ok.”
After Saint was done talking, I went to take me a hot long shower. This was going to be a long night for me.
After I came from seeing Saint, I called a meeting with the team. I knew it was late, but I didn’t give a fuck. I needed answers and I needed them asap. Somebody knew something and I was going to get to the bottom of this shit one way or another. I can tolerate a lot of shit, but a thief wasn’t one. Whoever stole from us got to be the dumbest motherfucker on this earth. For one everybody on our team eating good, living in some fat shit and got a nice ride.
Don’t nobody have a reason to steal. I know one thing when I find out who did this, they mother going to be picking out their black dress. I pulled up to the spot where we have our meeting at. I put in the code to the building than walked in. I waited patiently on Vince, Seth, Rob, and a couple of other people that was down with us to pull up. Although I had a gut feeling it was between Rob and Seth, I still wanted to talk to everybody. Plus, I wasn’t sure that it was them that was just a feeling I had.
“What’s up.” Rob dab me up soon as he walked through the door.
“What’s good how your girl doing?”
“She is doing a little better. She still sick as hell though.”
“Damn I pray she get better.” Rob girl is sick with stage 3 cancer. I don’t wish that shit on nobody. I watch my grandmother suffer from cancer for years. Unfortunately, she ends up dying a couple of years after she was diagnosed.
“Me to. A nigga hasn’t had no sleep at all. I’m tired than motherfucker.”
“I bet your ass is.”
“What this meeting about anyways? Is everything good?”
“Nah shit isn’t good at all. but I will let you know what’s up when everybody gets here.”
“Alright.” Rob took a seat at the table with some of the other guys on the team.
Minutes had gone past and everybody was here except for Seth. I reached in my pocket to grab my cell phone to call him, but he came stumbling through the door drunk as hell. Seth took a seat at the table with the rest of the team. I shut the door and sat at the end of the table.
“Now I’m going to cut straight to the chase. One of you motherfuckers is grimy as hell and I’m not feeling this shit.” Everybody was looking at each other with a confuse look on their face. “Somebody stole from my mothefucking brother and I need to know who the fuck it is. When you steal from him you steal from me. Not only that you are stealing from the whole team.” I stood to my feet and pulled both of my guns of my hip. I cocked both of my Glocks back and pointed them at everybody.
“Whoa! Knowledge you are tripping.” One of the dudes said. Everybody had their hands up in the air as if they were surrendering.
“Nah I’m not tripping at all. One of you motherfuckers stole some bands from the shipment that came in today. One thing I want deal with is a snake ass nigga on our team. Now who going to own up to the shit?”
Everybody was sitting there looking stupid as fuck like I was speaking some type of foreign language they didn’t understand. Pow! I shot one of the dudes in the knee.
“Aww fuck Knowledge you shot me.” Don fell out the chair onto the floor holding his knee. Don haven’t been on the team long and I knew he didn’t have nothing to do with it, but I had to make an example out of some damn body.
“Shut the fuck up hoe ass nigga for I shoot you again! All you niggas suspect to me if you ask me.”
“Man, Knowledge you need to put the gun down.” Seth stated. “How you know it wasn’t a random motherfucker.”
“I’m not putting shit down. Somebody on this team skep as fuck like I said. This was an inside job. There is no way in hell the footage got erase off the security cameras. There are two people in here besides me and Saint with the security code.”
Them two people knew exactly who they were. I wasn’t going to kill they ass though because I didn’t know which one did it. I needed to make sure Saint killed the right person. I know this meeting got they ass shook though and that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.
‘Is anybody going to own up to that shit or not?”
Everybody was quiet as a mouse “Just like I thought a bunch of pussies. You man enough to steal but you not man enough to admit it” I chuckled than shook my head.
Pow! Pow! I finish off Don I shot and shot another person in the chest. They both died instantly.
“The next motherfucker that steal will join them in hell.” I placed both of my guns back in my holster. “Now clean this shit up.”
I knew the person that really stole from us was still in the room but like I said before I had to make an example of somebody. Trust and believe me when I find out who really stole from us, they going to get it ten times worse mark my words. Seth and Rob probably shitting their pants right now. I got them exactly where I want them. eventually the truth will come out and it’s going to be hell to pay.
Satan don’t have shit on me or Saint and that’s a fact. I called Saint to let him know everything that happen, and I told him I’m going to get to bottom of this shit. When I was done talking to him, I made my way home. I was still mad about this whole situation and I really wanted to kill everybody in the room. Who ever did this will pay for it and that’s on my life. it’s one thing to steal but to steal from the hand the feed you is a whole different level. I guess they haven’t heard the saying never bite the hand that feed. I pulled up to my house and made my way inside. I was exhausted and I couldn’t wait to pass out on my, hastens vividus king size bed. I poured me up a shot of D’usse than hop in the shower for about thirty minutes. When I was done, I blazed up my Kush blunt and smoked it to the face. My phone rang throwing me out of my zone.
I glanced over as it vibrated on my nightstand only too it was Te’ Asia calling. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her ass right now because she was going to blow my high. Asia been texting me all day telling me how sorry she is. My thing is if she didn’t fuck that nigga Tory what are you apologizing for. The last time I talked to Te’Asia I told her I didn’t want to talk to her until I saw them DNA results.
She kept asking can I come over for we can talk in person and I told her no. I knew Asia only wanted me to come over for she could give me some of that good ass pussy, I wasn’t about to fall for that shit. I turned my phone on silent than tune back into Martin and Gina on BET. I swear that show was funny as hell I don’t care how old it gets. I be laughing at the show like it’s my first time watching it. Especially the episode when Gina head got stuck in the headboard. That was the funniest shit ever. I love all the episodes but that one be having a nigga about to piss on himself. After watching Martin marathon for about an hour a nigga eyes started getting heavy. Next thing I knew I was passed out.
“Ma why you always talking shit to me?”
“Because you came out this coochie that’s why!”
“Ma don’t nobody want to hear that nasty stuff.” I turned my f
ace up at the thought.”
“Don’t nobody want to here them stupid ass questions either, but you still asked them. Now get out my room for I can get dressed before this damn nurse come.”
I chuckled as I made my way out my mother room. Today, is the day my mother meets her nurse for the first time. I had to make sure I was here for I could lay the law down. I wanted to make sure my mother was in the best hands. Although, I know my mother could handle herself, I still need to lay some rules down. I went in the kitchen to grabbed me a bottle of water only to see Bishop and my dad in the kitchen talking.
“What’s up pops.” I spoke to my father than grabbed me a bottle of water out the refrigerator.
“Pops isn’t the only person standing right here.”
“Well he the only person I see! Matter of fact he the only person I spoke to, so why the fuck is you talking to me. You never heard of the saying speak when spoken to. Excuse my language pops.”
My father stood there shaking his head because me and Bishop was always into it. My father understood why I felt the way I did about Bishop. He even said that he didn’t like how Bishop be acting. This nigga really thought he was better than everybody else. Bishop already know I would beat the fuck out of him, so I don’t know why he be testing my gangsta. Don’t get me wrong my brother can fight but he can’t fuck with me when it come to these hands. Hell, I’m the one that taught him and knowledge how to fight growing up.
“In the bible Matthew 7:12 say So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Bishop stated.
“The bible also says, do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. I don’t think you understand that though because every time you come around this motherfucker you are judging or trying to tell somebody how to live their life. Stop worrying about me and worry about the people in your church. You fucking pussy.” I walked away leaving Bishop standing there looking stupid like always.