Violating The Love Of A Savage Page 13
“Alright if y’all need me I will be up in the office.”
I walked in my office only to see Sky sitting in my desk chair.
“What you are doing here baby?”
“I missed you. I wanted to see your face.”
I bit my bottom lip “You don’t miss me girl.”
“I do baby that’s why I’m here.” Sky walks over to me than pressed her lips against mine. “I love you baby do you love me?”
“You know I love you Sky you don’t even have to question that baby.”
“You better.”
“Shut up, what’s your plan for the day?”
“Nothing really, I probably go to the grocery store to get something for dinner that’s it.”
“Something like what? Don’t make none of that nasty ass spaghetti you made last time.”
“Shut up my Spaghetti is not nasty.”
I burst out laughing “You a damn lie. The next-door neighbor dog wouldn’t even eat that shit.”
Sky chuckle than smack me on my arm “That’s why I’m making your ass hot dogs.”
“I’m not eating no hot dogs; I got a hot dog you can eat though.” I said grabbing my dick.
Sky chuckled “You so nasty. I will eat that hot dog any day.”
“I know you will.”
I love Sky pretty ass, but them unanswered questions still sits in the back of my head. I wanted to know was she faithful to a nigga or not. I wanted to ask her but like I said before it’s not worth the argument or the headache. I’m not saying that we will argue, I just don’t want to chance it. We been on good terms and I want to keep it like that. Plus, I don’t have no evidence that she is cheating. Sky kept me company for a little while longer than she made her way to the grocery store. I called Knowledge to see if he ready to make this drop and he told me he was on the way. I grabbed my keys of the desk than made my way to my car. I waited patiently for Knowledge to arrive. Minutes later Knowledge pulled up and I hopped in the car with him. I didn’t feel like driving, I was exhausted as hell. I had to much on my mind and it was draining my energy. All I wanted to do was go home, get drunk and pass out. I couldn’t do that though because I had an empire to run. I can’t make money if I’m sleep all day. Although I got workers, I still have to make sure that everything is running smoothly. I don’t need no kind of fuck ups, especially not in the drug business. One simple mistake can bring my whole empire down.
Today was me and Quez conjugal visit at least I thought. When I got there, I learned that the state of Georgia didn’t allow them kind of visits. It was only six states that allowed conjugal visit and Georgia wasn’t one of them. If I knew that I would’ve never married his ass. I waited patiently for Quez to come out for I could visit him.
“Mam I need you to come with me.” One of the prison guards stated.
“For what?”
“Because I said so, now come on.”
I followed the officer, and we stop in front of a door “You gotten minutes.” The officer opened the door and Quez was standing there waiting for me.
“Boy are you crazy? How did you pull this off?”
“You can pull a lot of things off when you got a little money. Now pull them panties down,”
“You think I’m about to fuck your ass in a janitor closet.”
“Yeah, why not.”
“Because its trifling in here. They could’ve given you another room at least. I would rather be inside the damn vents.”
“Man shut up and stop wasting time. I’m trying to bust this nut.” Quez push his lips against mine than began tonguing me down. My pussy instantly started dripping. Quez slid his hands up my dress than began to finger me.
“Damn that pussy wet. Bend over the chair.” I raised my dress up showing me bare round ass than bent over the chair.
“Damn that ass than got fat. What the fuck you been doing Pilates.”
I wanted to say I been doing Saint, but I knew he would’ve killed my ass. Quez glided his dick inside my slippery vagina. He gasps for air once he was inside me. “I miss this shit.”
Quez grab my tiny waist and began fucking the shit out of me. The way he was hitting this pussy I could tell he missed it
“Ooh fuck this pussy baby.” Quez went harder and deeper when I said that.
“Who pussy is this?”
“Yours baby it’s all yours.”
Quez wrap my long silky twenty-four-inch Brazilian hair around his hands and devoured that pussy.
“Suck this dick.” Quez leaned back against the wall. I squatted down to his dick and began sucking it. I spit on it right before I licked over every inch of his penis. I than took Quez man hood into my mouth and began giving him that work.
“Ahh fuck.” Quez groan as he palmed the back of my head. I was deep throating the shit out that dick and he couldn’t take it.
“Fuck I’m about to bust.” I held my tongue out and caught all Quez seeds than swallowed it. Quez dick was still rock hard and he wanted some more of me. I bent over the chair again and Quez went to work on that pussy. I was throwing that ass back on him and you could feel my juices splashing.
“Damn girl you are working that dick.”
Quez was going hard inside that pussy before I knew it, he was busting inside me.
“Man, that pussy so fucking good.” Quez said as he smacked my ass.
I pull my dress back down while Quez pulled up his pants.
“So, who you been fucking?”
“Nobody, what the hell you are talking about Quez?”
“Don’t play stupid with me, that’s not how I left my pussy. What nigga been up in my shit?”
Quez shook his head “What type of fool do you take me for Sky. You thought I wouldn’t notice that another man been up in my shit. I’m going to ask you one more time who you are fucking?”
My heart was pounding fast, and my palms were beginning to sweat. “I swear, I haven’t had sex with nobody, I only use my toys.”
Quez grab me by my neck and push me against the wall “If I find out my wife giving away what belongs to me, I’m going to fuck you up. If you are messing around with any other man, I suggest you leave his ass alone before you get both of y’all killed. Do I make myself clear?”
Boom! Boom! Quez let my neck go when he heard the loud banging on the door. The officer opened the door and told us our time was up. I rush out the door not even bothering to look back at Quez. About time I made it to car Quez was calling my phone. A part of me wanted to answer it but the other part of me didn’t. I wasn’t in the mood to argue with Quez ass right now. I knew he was about to question me about who I was fucking. I pressed the button to unlock the door for I could get in.
“Are you Sky?” A male voice said from behind me. I turned around only to see a male figure standing there with a black masked one. He put his hands over my mouth before I could scream.
“Please don’t kill me I will give you whatever you want.”
“Bitch be quiet before I shoot your ass.” The man threw me in the trunk and dared me to scream.
Next, he grabbed the duct tape and place two pieces over my mouth. He than tied my hands together than shut the trunk. I didn’t know who this man was. I didn’t recognize his voice, or his eyes didn’t look familiar either. I was terrified as hell because I didn’t know what was about to happen to me. I know one thing I wasn’t going out without a fight.
To be continued…………
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